Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan

Olympiad on History of KazakhstanIn KEUK held an Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan among students of schools in Karaganda and satellite cities (Temirtau, Saran, Topar). The Olympiad was held in 2 rounds. The first round is a test on the History of Kazakhstan, during which students who scored the most points were identified. In the second round, students answered the quiz questions, including: Ethnography of Kazakhstan, History of Kazakhstan (Soviet period), Independent Kazakhstan, sights of Karaganda, "portraits spoke". The jury determined the winners. Become them:
I-place: Ilashbekov of Noilya (school №17) and Zhenis Beksultan (School №41)
II-place: Andrey Menshikov (school № 17) and Aruzhan Sagatova (Saran, School №4)
III-place: Sydykbekova Zhanar (v. Iuzhnyi School № 9) and Sultanova Ayazhan (Gymnasium №92)
Participants and teachers were awarded diplomas.


Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan
Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan   Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan
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