Platinum lecture on “Provision of disabled people with technical rehabilitation means”

Platinum lecture on “Provision of disabled people with technical rehabilitation means”The KEUK Training Television Center hosted a “platinum” lecture by the chief specialist of the Department for Organization of Work with Disabled Persons and Veterans of the State Institution “Coordination of Employment and Social Programs of the Karaganda Region” Nuksuyev E.E on the topic “Providing the disabled with technical rehabilitation equipment” for students of the educational program "Social Work".
The lecture analyzed the legal framework for providing disabled people with technical rehabilitation facilities, disclosed the role of social workers in medical and medical social institutions, as well as the activities of social workers in an individual program for the rehabilitation of disabled people


Platinum lecture on “Provision of disabled people with technical rehabilitation means” Platinum lecture on “Provision of disabled people with technical rehabilitation means”
3D тур КЭУ