International scientific and practical seminar

International scientific and practical seminar

The Department of «Social work and Assembly of people of Kazakhstan» held an international scientific and practical seminar «Trends of modern education as a strategic resource of socio-economic, political, legal and spiritual development of society».
The international seminar was attended by heads and employees of government agencies, NGOs, NGOs, domestic and foreign scientific and pedagogical workers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students.
Considerable attention was paid to the discussion of the state, problems and prospects of development of inclusive education, practice-oriented approach to education, implementation of competency-based approach in the conditions of digitalization of education, Megatrends in the development of modern higher education.
The participants of the seminar unanimously expressed the opinion that education will become an effective factor of economic and social development of society only through the appeal to the person, his spiritual world and creative potential.


International scientific and practical seminar International scientific and practical seminar
Электронный университет
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