The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools

The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools

November 3, 2019 teachers of the department of Advanced Mathematics held Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools. 144 pupils from 22 schools took part in Olympiad, where the winners were determined:

9th grade

1st place

Усов Кирилл

35 points

Gymnasium №2

2nd place

Жамбеков Арсен

30 points

Gymnasium №93

3rd place

Попов Дмитрий

28 points

Gymnasium №1

10th grade

1st place

Сабит Малика

83 points

School № 57 name after S.Sattarov

2nd place

Цой Сергей

 80 points

Gymnasium №97

3rd place

Кутжанов Алим

50 points

Gymnasium №93

11th grade

1st place

Пахоликина Софья

58 points

Gymnasium №38

2nd place

Анищенко Сергей

55 points

Gymnasium №93

3rd place

Маценко Роман

50 points

Gymnasium №93

Awarding the winners will be at schools.


The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools
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