Environmental forum in the city of Balkhash

Environmental forum in the city of Balkhash

As part of the Memorandum with the boarding school No. 2. M.P. Rusakov of Balkhash 21 Feb 2020 head of the Department of Ecology and evaluation, doctor of chemistry, Professor G.G. Baikenova, associate Professor Ph. D. Ospanova G.K. participated in ecological forum "Formation and education of environmental knowledge of students in the context of development of "Green economy"" is formed of 4 blocks:
1. Master class;
2. Copeville;
3. Video: the Environment is our common home;
4. Plenary meeting.
The environmental forum was attended by school Directors and a representative of the Balkhash education Department.


Environmental forum in the city of Balkhash Environmental forum in the city of Balkhash Environmental forum in the city of Balkhash
Environmental forum in the city of Balkhash   Environmental forum in the city of Balkhash
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