Online meeting with graduates of the Abay district

Online meeting with graduates of the Abay districtIn the conditions of the adopted restrictive measures, career guidance work with school graduates has been switched to online mode. For example, professor of the department of "Social work and the ANK", PhD Minzhanov N.A. held an online conference with parents, graduates, and school teachers of the Abay district on april 29.
The questions of graduates were answered by Ivadilinova L.Kh. - director of the center for career guidance and public relations of KEUK, Krasnoshchekova E. A.- executive Secretary of the admissions committee, Kenzhebayeva S.K.-deputy dean of the faculty of business, law and technology, Abdakimova M.K.- head of the department.
Graduates are interested in the UNT, admission to the university, and new specialties of KEUK.


Online meeting with graduates of the Abay district

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