Had opened new innovative doctoral program 8D04110 Finance

Had opened new innovative doctoral program 8D04110 Finance

Under the current license № KZ10LAA00007296, application number 010 dated April 2, 2019, the doctoral study program “Finance” was opened at the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, registration number № 8D04100101 of the Register of Educational Programs of Higher and Postgraduate Education dated June 3, 2020.
The doctoral program “Finance” of KEUK is the first innovative program in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which has no analogues, in the direction of preparation 8D041 “Business and Management”.
The main goal of the EP “Finance” is the fundamental training of competitive research specialists in the field of sustainable finance for the system of higher and postgraduate education and the scientific field.
In our work, we are focused on the disclosure and mobilization of the scientific potential of young scientists for their own original research in the framework of the modern paradigm and megatrends of financial development.


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