International scientific and practical online forum dedicated to
25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, held by the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and
Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
May 29, 2020

In accordance with the National plan on organization and holding of the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz 29 may 2020 held an international scientific-practical forum, devoted to the 25 anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The forum was held in the Zoom mode of the conference.


The forum was attended by 62 participants representing higher and local state authorities and management, regional and specialized courts of Karaganda region, Prosecutor's office, police, law enforcement agencies, public associations. The scientific representation of the forum participants is represented by prominent domestic and foreign scientists representing universities in Bulgaria, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, as well as universities from all regions of Kazakhstan.
At the plenary session the rector of Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, doctor of legal Sciences, Professor Aimagambetov Yerkara Balkaraevich noted the importance of the Constitution of Kazakhstan "the Kazakhstan way of development" and the role of the constitutional Council in ensuring the inviolability and supremacy of the Constitution. He outlined a close format of bilateral cooperation between the University and the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He expressed his gratitude to the forum participants. Special words of gratitude and congratulations were addressed to Suren Adibekovich Avakian, who recently celebrated his 80th birthday.
In his welcoming speech the Chairman of the constitutional Council of Kazakhstan – Kairat Mami Abdrazakuly expressed gratitude to the rector of the University, the forum participants and its organizers. The importance of bilateral cooperation with the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was emphasized.
The speech of the Member of the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Temerbekov Alibek Akylbekovich outlined the role of constitutionalism in the practice of the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
One of the speakers of the plenary session is Suren Adibekovich Avakian, head of the Department of constitutional and municipal law of the faculty of law of Lomonosov Moscow state University, doctor of law, Professor, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, member of the working group on preparing proposals for amendments to the Constitution of Russia. Suren Adibekovich gave a brief overview of the upcoming amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, noting the positive experience of extrapolating certain provisions of the Constitution of Kazakhstan. Suren Adibekovich received congratulatory words and wishes in honor of the recent 80-year anniversary.
Viktor Malinovsky, a member of the constitutional Council, read out a congratulatory address to Suren Adibekovich on behalf of the Chairman of the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He noted the importance of the forum held in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of Kazakhstan.
Great interest among the forum participants caused the report of the Professor of chair of constitutional and municipal law Department of Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov, candidate of legal Sciences Malyutin Nikita on the scientific analysis of modernization of Institute of the constitutional control in the post-Soviet space, with special emphasis on the activities of the constitutional Council of Kazakhstan.
Relevant and meaningful was the speech Safeway Zhanar Seitbaeva, associate Professor law enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Badaliev Manon Kirgizbaevich, head of Department of legal support and international cooperation of the staff of the constitutional Council of Kazakhstan, as well as Gateway Leyla Sultanovna, head of research center "Studying of problems of administrative and criminal justice".
The forum continued its work on the discussion platform.
The event is planned to publish the materials forum, which will be posted on the website of the constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz.

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