Be careful of water!

Be careful of water!

With the onset of summer and hot weather, many residents prefer to spend their free time on the reservoirs, rivers and lakes of our country. Bathing in water and warming up in the sun keep you awake and improve your efficiency. However, not all holidaymakers think about observing the safety rules when bathing.
When bathing, the following actions are prohibited:
- to enter the water and swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
- to jump into the water from boats, launch, wharves, and structures that are not adapted for this purpose;
- to dive in unverified and unequipped areas;
- to swim behind the buoys that mark the boundaries of the swim;
- to swim on objects that are not intended for swimming;
- to pollute and litter reservoirs;
- to leave garbagge on the beach and in the changing rooms that can damage vacationers;
- to give false alarms;
- to climb technical and warning signs, buoys;
- to enter the water children without adult supervision.

Chief of the civil defense staff N. Alimkulov




Be careful of water!





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