Meeting with graduates of secondary school №58

Meeting with graduates of secondary school №58On 27.11.2020, the senior teacher of the department "Accounting and Audit" Nyikanbaeva A.I conducted career guidance work with school number 58.
Aim of the meeting:
- providing vocational guidance to students in the process of choosing a training profile and a field of future professional activity;
- the development of professional self-determination among schoolchildren in conditions of freedom to choose a field of activity, in accordance with their capabilities, abilities and taking into account the requirements of the labor market.
This event was attended by pupils of secondary school No. 58, class teacher Gorbatova OV, representatives of KEU, director of the center for career guidance and public relations of KEU Ivadilinova L.K., Representative of the Department of Finance, Ph.D., associate professor Aubakirova A.T. and the representative of the department "Legal regulation of economic relations" Magdatova Kymbat Zhanatovna.
Director of the Center for Career Guidance and Public Relations of the KEU L.K. Ivadilinova told how to enter a university, how to properly prepare for the UNT, about our educational programs.
The representative of the department "Finance" Ph.D., Associate Professor A. Aubakirova paid special attention to the new educational program "Financial and Customs Management".


Meeting with graduates of secondary school №58

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