Results of the 1st stage of the competition «Best University teacher -2020»

Results of the 1st stage of the competition «Best University teacher -2020»

On November 30, 2020, by the decision of the Commission for summing up the results of the intra-University stage of the competition «Best teacher-2020» of the Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz, the following candidates were recommended to participate in the republican stage:

1. Dauletova A.M. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department «Management and Innovations»;
2. Dzhazykbayeva B. K. – phD, associate Professor of the Department «Management and Innovations»;
3. Kernebayev A. S. – phD, associate Professor of the Department of «Economic theory and State local relations»
4. Tazhbayev N. M. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of «Digital engineering and IT Analytics»;
5. Gusmanova Zh. A. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of «Banking management and financial markets»;
6. Doskaliyeva B. B. – doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of «Economics and Entrepreneurship»;
7. Karimova B. N. – Candidate of chemical sciences, associate Professor of the Department of «Commodity science and certification».

Congratulations to the winners of the elimination round and wish them success at the Republican level!



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