Olympiad on «Fundamentals of state and law»

Olympiad on «Fundamentals of state and law»On November 27, 2020, the Department of" General Legal and special disciplines held an Olympiad on «Fundamentals of state and law» among students of 11 classes of schools in Karaganda and the Karaganda region. The event was held to attract and support talented young people interested in state and legal issues. Representatives of schools of KSU «SOSH №63», KSU "Gymnasium №9", KSU "Gymnasium №38", KSU "Gymnasium №45", "Specialized music boarding school", KSU "SOSH № 5" named after K. Shyngysov and KSU "SOSH № 11"participated in the Olympiad. Participants of the Olympiad applied their deep knowledge and completed individual test tasks via the Google Meet platform. Following the Olympics, the first degree diploma was awarded student of KSU " Gymnasium №9 " Ziganshina Milan, with the II degree diploma was awarded student of KSU "Gymnasium 38" Pavlov Nikita, a III degree diploma was awarded student of KSU "Gymnasium 38" Davletshina Arina. All participants were awarded letters of thanks, and the Olympic winners were awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees and valuable gifts.

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