The "Job Fair 2020" continues!

The "Job Fair 2020" continues!To the question of which profession is important, everyone will answer in different ways. And if you ask what kind of courageous, difficult and stressful, perhaps, first of all they will name heavy male specialties, they will remember about firefighters, rescuers, the military.
Scientists and all knowledge workers will be called the most knowledgeable. But, in our opinion, there are people whose work combines all these characteristics. Their life's work is the most necessary, the most difficult, the most responsible, requiring constant improvement.
These are people who face the most important tasks - to ensure the safety of citizens from criminal encroachments and to protect them; to counter terrorism; to brutally suppress extremist speeches, attempts to incite interethnic and interreligious hostility; the fight against organized crime and any kind of corruption.
And these people are policemen.
How to join the police? What do you need to possess to become a powerful and respected defender? Where you can get: to criminology or to the traffic police, to work with minors or to the patrol service, because they are the first to arrive at all incidents, are engaged in the suppression of administrative and criminal offenses, enter into investigations of crimes in hot pursuit.
Evgeny Valeryevich Kudlay, police colonel, deputy head of the Central Police Department of the UE of Karaganda, will tell about this at the meeting.

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