Round table «Color revolutions. The world on a knife edge»

Round table «Color revolutions. The world on a knife edge»

On December 03, 2020, a round table «Color revolutions. World on a knife edge» on the ZOOM platform for students of 1-3 years. The purpose of the round table is to reveal what "Color revolutions" are, what danger they pose for society, for the economy, for the state, and how to avoid their consequences. Made a report doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Vice-Rector for social Affairs Abilov K. Zh. on the topic "Color revolutions. The world on a knife edge", Ph. D., Professor Klishina M. V. of the Department " SW and EPK" on the topic " Color revolutions. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow».
The event was moderated by A. T. Idirissova, director of «YIC KEU».


Round table «Color revolutions. The world on a knife edge» Round table «Color revolutions. The world on a knife edge»
3D тур КЭУ