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  • Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz became a member of the OUL "Union of Transport and Logistics organizations and associations" KAZLOGISTICS "(Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan").

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz became a member of the OUL "Union of Transport and Logistics organizations and associations" KAZLOGISTICS "(Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan").

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz became a member of the OUL "Union of Transport and Logistics organizations and associations" KAZLOGISTICS "(Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan").

Representatives of the Department of marketing and logistics (Ph. D. Mazhitova S. K.) 3 Feb 2021г. took part in the final General meeting (Congress) of the Union and the logistics and transportation Committee of the Presidium of the National chamber of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken under the chairmanship of the First Deputy Chairman of the management Board of JSC "NC "KTZ" - Almagambetova K. E.
The congress reviewed the results of the work of the Logistics and Transportation Committee and the Transport Workers ' Union for 2020, discussed problematic issues and necessary support measures in 2021,and heard speeches by the chairmen of the sub-committees on modes of transport.
The cooperation of the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan and the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz will be aimed at supporting the members of KAZLOGISTICS in the implementation of projects in the field of transport services, participation in the development of legislative and regulatory acts. The cooperation will also assist in the implementation of innovations in the field of logistics and in the integration of TLC (transport and logistics system ) Kazakhstan's integration into the world transport system.

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