Round table «Political Modernization»

Round table «Political Modernization»On March 29, 2021, the Department of «Social Work and the APK» held a round table «Political Modernization», the relevance of which is due to the fact that the topic of modernization, that is, building a modern society and full integration of Kazakhstan into the global world, today has become a core issue of the socio - economic and political life of our country. The presentations of the participants of the round table-teachers of the Social Work and the APK department, students of the educational programs «Social Work», «Fundamentals of Law and Economics» were devoted to revealing the essence and types of political modernization, highlighting the concepts of political modernization in Kazakhstan, analyzing the features of political modernization in Kazakhstan. Summing up the results of the round table, moderator Ph. D., Associate Professor Seifullina G. R. She noted that in the context of the development of a multi-ethnic society, without taking into account the dichotomous connection of universal, national values and political modernization, it is impossible to successfully solve the issue of effective innovative transformation of society and the state in the context of ensuring its political stability.

 Round table «Political Modernization»

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