"Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan

"Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan

On April 14, 2021, the round table "Rukhani zhangyru" - a new philosophy of Kazakhstan: Equestrian culture” was held in the online format at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The round table was organized by the Department of "Social Work and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" and was held within the framework of the implementation of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru" and of the contractual theme "Equestrian culture".
Moderator-Candidate of philosophical sciences, Professor Klishina M. V. outlined the purpose and objectives of the round table. The vice-rector for Social Affairs of the University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abilov K. Zh. and the Head of the Department of scientific and expert support and methodological provision of the KSU "Kogamdyk kelisim" of the office of the Akim of the Karaganda region Malaev D. B. greeted the participants of the conference.
Students' reports that are relevant in the framework of research activities, the development of creative potential, the formation of a worldview, a culture of thinking and the modernization of the public consciousness of students were discussed:
1. Native land. The beauty of nature in Kazakhstan: aesthetic, utilitarian, and ecological aspects. (Kireyeva Sofya. gr. RD-19-2).
2. Life and culture of nomads. (Angelina Yakovleva. gr. RD-19-3)
3. Life and culture of the nomads of Kazakhstan. (Aikobenova Diana. gr. RD-19-2).
4. Horse breeding in Kazakhstan: history and modernity, horse breeding plants. Kristina Ignatenko (gr. RD-19-2).
5. Horse riding-hedonic and medical aspects. (The cooper Christina. gr. ME-19-2).
6. Equestrian tourism. (Kolbaeva Asema. gr. RD-19-2)
7. Opportunities for equestrian tourism in Kazakhstan. (Galiakhmetova Ralin. gr. ME-19-2).
The results of the round table were summed up by the head of the Department "Social Work and the APK", Candidate of pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor M. K. Abdakimova.




"Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan "Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan "Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan
"Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan "Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan "Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan
"Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan "Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan "Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan
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