Meeting with graduates of the Karaganda Higher Polytechnic College

Meeting with graduates of the Karaganda Higher Polytechnic CollegeOn May 4, as part of career guidance, a meeting was held with graduates of the Karaganda Higher Polytechnic College. The following made a presentation:
1. Vice-Rector for Digital Technologies, Doctor of Technical Science - Ten Tatyana Leonidovna
2. Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Strategic and Innovative Development, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economics - Nakipova Gulmira Ermekovnaa
3. Dean of FFLCT, Ph.D., Associate Professor Gulzira Salmagambetovna.
At the online meeting, the main aspects of passing exams when entering the budget were considered, as well as on a paid basis. The following questions of interest to students are covered: does the university provide discounts on tuition? If the opportunity to transfer from paid to free training? Does the university provide a non-urban hostel?


Meeting with graduates of the Karaganda Higher Polytechnic College Meeting with graduates of the Karaganda Higher Polytechnic College
Электронный университет
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