A benefit performance called the “Formula for success”

Library of the University together with the Department of Social and Pedagogical Disciplines and the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan held a benefit performance called the “Formula for success” on the 15th of September of 2021, and the winner was a student of an IR-19-2 group Aytzhanov Sanzhar, laureate of the first prize of the annual Olympiad for schoolchildren in world history and foreign language (certificate for a discount from the rector of KEUK dated by February of 2019), holder of a scholarship from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, holder of a grant from the KAZENERGY association for 2020-2021 academic year.

The event was attended by first-year students of the SLG and PIM groups of the Faculty of FEME.

Sanzhar spoke about his achievements, and then freshmen asked questions and received comprehensive answers. The author of the most interesting question received a prize - a book.

The library staff expresses gratitude to the Department of the WE and IR, and to a teacher G.K. Kaliyeva for the assistance provided in the event.

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