Choosing a profession is not easy!

Choosing a profession is not easy!

On October 29, 2021, teachers of our university (Nurkeeva B.A., The Chair of Russian and Foreign languages) visited secondary schools №1 and №44 of the city of Karkaralinsk.
During the meeting, the university staff conducted a survey aimed at professional orientation of children and assistance in choosing possible training programs.
Pupils of graduation classes took with interest the information about the achievements of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, its specialties and other advantages of studying at our university (benefits, grants, mobility, sports and cultural areas, etc.). The demonstrated video about the university helped create the effect of real presence during the online event. The pupils of the 11th grade received qualified answers to all the questions asked.
If you have any questions related to entering the university, you can contact us by phones: 8/7212 / 44-15-72


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