Law and order in the student environment

Law and order in the student environmentOn November 02-03, 2021, together with inspectors of the UIP GUP OMPS of the Mikhailovsky OP Takenova D., Kuleimenova A. and police captain Balagazin J. the UIP of the Mikhailovsky OP together with the CMI conducted a conversation among students living in dormitories of the University №1,3,4 on the prevention of smoking, the use of alcoholic beverages, obscene language, the presence of minors at a late time on the street and places of entertainment unaccompanied by parents, etc. The norms of administrative legislation providing for liability for acts infringing on public order have been brought to the attention of students.


Law and order in the student environment Law and order in the student environment Law and order in the student environment
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