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  • Visit of Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Kiev National University named after T. Shevchenko (Ukraine) Kupalova Galina Ivanovna

Visit of Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Kiev National University named after T. Shevchenko (Ukraine) Kupalova Galina Ivanovna

Visit of Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Kiev National University named after T. Shevchenko (Ukraine) Kupalova Galina Ivanovna

Galina Ivanovna Kupalova has been an honorary professor at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz since 2012.

From November 19th to December 2nd of 2021 Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Kiev National University named after T. Shevchenko (Ukraine) Kupalova Galina Ivanovna will give a course of lectures on theme “Methodology and organization of scientific economic research with the basics of intellectual property: adaptation to the best world practice” for undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.





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