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  • Online round table "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation"

Online round table "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation"

Online round table "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation"

Оn November 11, 2021, Master, senior lecturer of the Department of Socio-Political Disciplines and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Isabekova A.S., within the framework of the discipline "Cultural Studies" held an online round table on the topic "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation" with the following groups: GMU-21-1k, MN-21-1k, MO-21-1k, ME-21-1k, O-21-1k, E-21-1k, Eco-21-1k, IS-21-3sk, VT-21 -3sk, UA-21-3sk.
The following students prepared and delivered reports:
1. "Kazirgi Kazakstandagi zayyrly zhane dini rukhaniyat zhane rukhani karama-kaishylyktyn aldyn alu maseleri" Motysheva D. E-21-1k;
2. "Dini rukhaniyat maseleri" Usmanova E. Eco-21-1k;
3. "Kazirgi Kazakstandagi dini jagdayindagi maseleri" Hadzhieva S. E-21-1k
4. "Din zhane rukhaniyat" Nurymbekov N. E-21-1k,
5. "Kazirgi Kazakstandagi zayyrly zhane dini rukhaniyat maseleri" Nurlan N. Eco-21-1k;
6. "Religion in Kazakhstan" Mergasimov D. IS-21-3sk;
7. "The development of a secular state in modern Kazakhstan" Ramazanov A. IS-21-3sk.


Online round table "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation" Online round table "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation" Online round table "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation"
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