«Achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law: international and domestic aspects»

«Achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law: international and domestic aspects»

On February 10, 2022, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's accession to the UN «Achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law: international and domestic aspects».

The conference was co-organized by the partners of the Educational Research and Production Complex - the Specialized Interdistrict Economic Court of the Karaganda region, the Specialized Interdistrict Court for Administrative Offenses of the city of Karaganda of the Karaganda region, the Karaganda branch of the Republican Public Association «Union of Judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Association of Law Universities of Russia, of which our university is a member, provided great assistance in organizing the conference».

The conference discussed the achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law, as well as existing problems on a global and regional scale, their impact on the further construction of an open, transparent and «hearing» state.

S.N. Baburina, President of the Association of Law Schools, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, delivered a welcoming speech to the participants of the conference. Emphasizing the importance of bilateral cooperation with the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

One of the speakers of the plenary session was S. A. Avakian, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

The conference was attended by more than 40 representatives of foreign universities, the scientific community of Kazakhstan, partners and employers: representatives of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the Specialized Interdistrict Economic Court of the Karaganda region; the Specialized Interdistrict Court for Administrative Offenses of the city of Karaganda, Karaganda region; the Karaganda branch of the Republican Public Association "Union of Judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan"; the Prosecutor's Office of the Karaganda region; the Police Department of the Karaganda region; NGO "Alliance of Independent Forensic Examination and Specialized Research"; Institute of Forensic Examinations in the Karaganda region, Branch of the Republican state-owned enterprise "Center for Forensic Examinations; Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Associations of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs "Kazakhstan Association of Entrepreneurs and Services.

The diverse topics and depth of the issues studied in the reports of other speakers of the plenary session aroused great interest among the conference participants.

«Achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law: international and domestic aspects»«Achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law: international and domestic aspects»«Achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law: international and domestic aspects»«Achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law: international and domestic aspects»«Achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law: international and domestic aspects»

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