Lecture-training «Emotional intelligence»

Lecture-training «Emotional intelligence»

On February 23, in order to prevent stress resistance and personal growth, a lecture-training "Emotional Intelligence" by psychologist Temirkhanova G.U. was held for curators of study groups. Before the lecture, she reported on the relevance of the topic and the purpose of the training. Showed slides, dwelling on each of them in detail. She spoke about the functions of emotional intelligence (EQ), components and ways of its development, about the effective development of communication with students. Emphasized the importance of creating a positive psycho-emotional mood of the curator of the group. At the end of the presentation, the curators of the groups asked questions on this topic. Questions about motivation, personal growth, the relationship of students were discussed.


Lecture-training «Emotional intelligence» Lecture-training «Emotional intelligence»
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ