"Platinum" lecture "Prevention of human trafficking"

"Platinum" lecture "Prevention of human trafficking"

The modern world is experiencing global upheavals related to human rights violations, one of which is human trafficking. What are the causes of this phenomenon, how people become victims of human trafficking, how to counteract human trafficking, how to protect yourself and your loved ones from deception, fraud, what kind of assistance to provide to victims of human trafficking - these are the range of issues that were discussed at the "platinum" lecture of the Chairman of the Public Foundation "Қайсар" Tarabukina O.Yu.

Primary social prevention of human trafficking means educational activities and information campaigns aimed at informing the population and forming an aversion to human trafficking, condemning of this phenomenon, and positive motivation to prevent it.

Students of educational programs "Social Work", "Psychology and Management in Education" and "Judicial and Legal Work" actualized their knowledge about such illegal actions as recruiting, transportation, transfer, harboring people, methods of identification of victims, socio-psychological mechanisms of counteracting the status of the victim, the role of psychologists, social workers, mediators and public organizations rehabilitating victims of human trafficking.

Undoubtedly, such meetings with specialists have a great effect and strengthen the desire of young people to build a society based on the rule of law.

"Platinum" lecture "Prevention of human trafficking""Platinum" lecture "Prevention of human trafficking""Platinum" lecture "Prevention of human trafficking""Platinum" lecture "Prevention of human trafficking""Platinum" lecture "Prevention of human trafficking"

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