Republican Research project competition among school students of Karaganda region

Republican Research project competition among school students of Karaganda region

On 01.11.2022, within the framework of career guidance work, the Head of the PhD Department, Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation Orynbasarova E.D. took part as a member of the commission in the Republican Research competition of projects among school students of the Karaganda region, which was held at the Daryn specialized school for gifted children.
Students of such schools as "Kokpektinskaya secondary School", "Zhambyl Akylbayev Gymnasium School", "Secondary School No. 25", "Secondary school named after him defended their projects. Nurken Abdirova", "Gymnasium School No. 95", "Gymnasium No. 97" , "Specialized boarding school of information Technologies" "Specialized boarding School named after Zhambyl".
A conversation was held with school students on the choice of a higher educational institution and specialty. We also invited them to our university for an open day to introduce them in detail to educational programs.


Republican Research project competition among school students of Karaganda region Republican Research project competition among school students of Karaganda region
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