Students of the OP "Design and Innovation Management" became holders of a Diploma of the II degree

Students of the OP "Design and Innovation Management" became holders of a Diploma of the II degree

On December 7, 2022, the All-Russian Scientific and practical conference on the topic "Current problems and prospects for the development of the consumer market" was held in the city of Perm of the Russian Federation, which was attended by students from different countries. The organizer was the Perm Institute of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
Our university was represented by students of the PIM-19-1 group Rakhimgulov Islam, as well as Bakhtiarov Aslan (scientific supervisor Legostaeva A.A.), who took 2nd place.
Congratulations and we wish you great victories!


Students of the OP "Design and Innovation Management" became holders of a Diploma of the II degree Students of the OP "Design and Innovation Management" became holders of a Diploma of the II degree Students of the OP "Design and Innovation Management" became holders of a Diploma of the II degree
Электронный университет
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