Recipient of a scientific fellowship in the field of science

Recipient of a scientific fellowship in the field of science

According to the Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 28, 2022 No. 216 on the award of nominal prizes and state scientific scholarships in the field of science in 2022, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Innovation Orynbasarova Yerkenazym Dulatovna became.
Recall that state scientific scholarships can be awarded to scientists and researchers who are actively involved in conducting fundamental or applied research in priority areas for the state, training scientific personnel, as well as talented young scientists under the age of thirty-five inclusive, actively participating in research on solving scientific problems and recognized by the scientific community.
Congratulations and we wish you further victories!

 Recipient of a scientific fellowship in the field of science

Электронный университет
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