Visiting Professor Program

Visiting Professor Program

The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is one of the strategically important partners of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
From December 10 to December 25, 2022, the head of the Department of Accounting and Auditing, Doctor of Economics V.I. Berezyuk visited the Financial University (Moscow) within the framework of the “Visiting Professor” program to give lectures and conduct seminars to undergraduate and graduate students of the Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis.
The visit of V.I. Berezyuk contributed to the expansion and deepening of further mutual cooperation between our universities and allowed us to create a solid foundation for successful development and achievement of new heights in the scientific and educational process.



Visiting Professor Program Visiting Professor Program Visiting Professor Program
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ