Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan

Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan

On February 25, 2023, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held an Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan among students of schools in Karaganda region. 37 students from 10 schools took part in the Olympiad.
The purpose of the Olympiad is to identify and develop interest in the history of Kazakhstan, as well as to involve school students in the study of the history of Kazakhstan.
The Olympiad was held in 2 rounds. The first round was the writing of an essay on the topic "My Motherland Kazakhstan", during which students who scored the most points were identified. The second round consisted of two tasks: the first – the quiz "Historical figures", the second – "Erudite". The jury determined the winners. Become them:
I-place: Abdimutalip Abilkhayyr (school №1 , the city of Priozersk) and Angelina Salikhova (school №88)
II-place: Tanat Nursultan (school "Daryn") and Kenzhebai Nurzhan (school №88)
III-place: Duysebekov Nurlan (school №74) and Oleinik Darya (school “named after G.N. Potanin").
The participants were awarded with diplomas and certificates, teachers were given letters of thanks.
Congratulations to the winners and wish them further success!


Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan
Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan
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