«Startup projects: from idea to implementation"

«Startup projects: from idea to implementation"

On February 23, 2023, a master class was held on the topic "Startup projects: from idea to implementation" for students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young teachers. The theme of the master class is driven by the growing interest in student technology entrepreneurship. The event was organized by the Council of Young Scientists.
The director of A-Business LLP was invited to the master class as a speaker. Kazakhstan”, the winner of the “Project of the Year” competition according to 1C Awards, the Gold Partner of Bitrix 24 - Durmagambetov Timur Nurlanovich.
During the master class, the speaker explained to the audience what a startup is, how an incubator differs from an accelerator, or why it is never too late to learn. The master class was productive, at the end of the speech the students actively asked interesting questions. The participants left positive feedback about the meeting and thanked the speaker for the useful information.

 «Startup projects: from idea to implementation"

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