Festival «Memlekettik til - menin tilim»

Festival «Memlekettik til - menin tilim»On February 28, 2023, the festival "Memlekettik til - menin tilim" was held at the University of Karaganda among students of universities and colleges of the city. The purpose of the festival is to increase the status of the state language, stimulate students who speak the state language, an example for the general public, youth, establish close ties between universities and present the potential and achievements of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz to students of other educational institutions. The event was attended by teams of students from the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, the University named after E.A. Buketov, KarTU named after. A.Saginov, Karaganda Academy named after. B.Beisenov, College of Economics, Business and Law of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
During the festival, teams from representatives of different nationalities presented themselves in the state language, presented various, interesting scenes in the Kazakh language, sang songs, answered questions, showed a high level of knowledge of the state language. A graduate of the university, a young singer Ulangasyr Kamiyev, acted as a special guest of the event.
According to the results of the festival, the team "Zhalyndy Zhastar" of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took 1st place, the team "Sagynov sunkarlary" of the Karaganda Technical University named after A.Saginov took 2nd place, the team "Aybindy kursanttar" of the Karaganda Academy named after B.Beisenov took 3rd place and were awarded special cash prizes and diplomas.


Festival «Memlekettik til - menin tilim» Festival «Memlekettik til - menin tilim» Festival «Memlekettik til - menin tilim»
Festival «Memlekettik til - menin tilim» Festival «Memlekettik til - menin tilim» Festival «Memlekettik til - menin tilim»
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