Accreditation of the joint educational program of the master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship"

Accreditation of the joint educational program of the master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship"

On May 25, 2023, the NU "National Agency for Accreditation and Rating" (registration number AB4734) successfully accredited the joint educational program of the master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship", developed and implemented by two Kazakhstani universities - Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and East Kazakhstan Technical University named after D. Serikbaev.
The master's program is aimed at training highly qualified economists-managers who are capable of active entrepreneurial activity, designing, conducting and evaluating a business in a rapidly developing business area and sustainable economic development.
The uniqueness of the JEP "Technological Entrepreneurship" lies in the enhanced promotion of the entrepreneurial skills of modern business creators for business development with the positioning of the concept of sustainable development. JEP is designed for enhanced entrepreneurial training of people who, as a rule, do not have a basic economic education.



 Accreditation of the joint educational program of the master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship"

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