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  • The Call for applications for Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility [KA107] with USC, in accordance with our signed Inter-Institutional Agreement for the 2019-2022 project.

The Call for applications for Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility [KA107] with USC, in accordance with our signed Inter-Institutional Agreement for the 2019-2022 project.

The Call for applications for Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility [KA107] with USC, in accordance with our signed Inter-Institutional Agreement for the 2019-2022 project.

The Call will be open from 15th November until 15th December 2019.

• For Teaching Staff candidates the only way to apply for this scholarship is through USC online application tool: http://www.usc.es/ka107/admin/.


1. The scholarship is allocated for doctoral students in the amount of 2 people for 3 months, with an English language level of at least B2, or Spanish at least A2 for the specialties indicated at the link: http://www.usc.es/en/perfis/internacional/programas/erasmusICM_KA107/erasmusicm_ka107_estudantes_incoming.html
And also for teaching staff in the amount of 2 people for 7 days in the areas of "Economics", "Business and Administration", with an English language level of at least B2, or Spanish at least A2.
2. USC website – includes Guidance, instructions for staff on how to use the application tool, and model student and staff agreements:
a. http://www.usc.es/en/perfis/internacional/programas/erasmusICM_KA107/erasmusicm_ka107_estudantes_incoming.html
b. http://www.usc.es/en/perfis/internacional/programas/erasmusICM_KA107/erasmusicm_ka107_pdi_incoming.html

3. Link to the application tool (only for Teaching Staff candidates): http://www.usc.es/ka107/admin/

Download this file (Selection report...pdf)Selection report...pdf205 kB



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