Creation of educational-innovation center "Electronic Tax Committee" initiated by the University (letter dated from 29th of January 2008 at the Ministry of Finance) and supported by the Tax Committee of the MF RK agreed with the Tax Department at the Karaganda region drafting the partnership agreement.

In a joint project implemented a program ITIS RK - Integrated Tax Information System of the Republic of Kazakhstan, designed for comprehensive automation of the tax committees of Kazakhstan.

The Universityaim - a real embodiment of innovative ideas in the educational process of training financiers, accountants who have mastered the specific software products.

Integrated Tax Information System (ITIS)

ITIS Kazakhstan is a distributed information system that provides information environment tax authorities of the RK, taxpayers, and the Ministry of Finance.

The program has a 3-level structure “republic - the area – region”, where all the nodes of the system combined corporate network. The nodes of the two upper levels of function in the on - line mode of interaction, the third (regional) level is in the mode off - line.

The main tasks of the system:

*Registration of taxpayers;

* Maintenance of personal accounts;

* Organizational management;

* Decision support.

ITIS includes the following components:

* Register;

* Accounting;

* Special tax regimes;

* Documents;

* EMTA;(Electronic monitoring of tax audit)

* Research;

* Reference;

* Administration.

Component "Registration" includes:

* The state registration of the taxpayer of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

* Change of registration data;

* The registration direction.

ACCOUNTING. Personal account

* Automation of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget, mandatory pension contributions and tax authorities;

* Automated preparation of acts of reconciliations, extracts from personal accounts;

* Automated preparation of notifications;

* Automated creation of standard reports.

Key purpose of the module «Special tax regime» is:

* Improve the reliability of accounting data of taxpayers, using special tax regimes;

* Automated tracking of the taxpayer by the tax authorities during the entire life cycle - from initial registration to the deregistration;

* Automated preparation of reports

EMTA.  Electronic monitoring of tax audit.

The main purpose of EMTA is to automate workflow associated with tax inspections, tracking of appeals.

The main objectives EMTA:

* Quality and efficiency of tax audit;

* Quality control and performance specialist TC.

At the national level is carried out registration of taxpayers' complaints, monitor the case, the formation of statements, in some cases may be execution of the case.

Also at the national level can be made:

* Monitoring and analysis of electronic instruments;

* Creation of standard and nonstandard forms of reporting

* Tracking of target dates and implementation of monitoring the execution of the case to the lower levels;

* Maintenance of common directories and classifiers

Suitable for receiving and processing information on income and return payment to the State and local budgets of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the transfer of payment data from automated systems, the Treasury and the SCP in Information Tax System of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK ITIS).

In the process of training, students by the working in the system, learn:

* The features of each component of the system;

* The interaction between the components of the structures of information hierarchy;

* Virtually study characteristics of each of the subsections included in the components of the system;

* Simulate the interaction of the tax situation (banking, budgeting) system with taxpayers;

* Deepen their knowledge in such disciplines as «Tax and taxation», «Financial control and audit», «Tax Planning and Control», «Taxes businesses».

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