The international week «Information technology, management and society 2018» in Latvia, Riga

The international week «Information technology, management and society 2018» in Latvia, RigaOn the 23rd-27th of April, 2018 candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the Department of «Foreign and Russian Languages» G.N. Yertysbayeva and a senior coordinator of International Programs, Projects and Academic Mobility Center G.Z. Tarpanova, who participated in the International Week «Information technology, management and society 2018»

Organized by ISMA University (Riga, Latvia). In the framework of realization of the «Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility program» G.N. Yertysbayeva had delivered lectures on the topic «Pedagogical and Business communication for the exchange of knowledge, experience and advanced training». All lectures in the amount of 8 academic teaching hours, and within the framework of the «Erasmus + Training Mobility program» G.Z. Tarpanova had participated in seminars and organized trainings, as well as discussed issues on further cooperation opportunities between our institutions, on research projects, on opportunities for students to participate in various competitions, the establishment of new contacts and building relationships with other participating institutions.

The international week «Information technology, management and society 2018» in Latvia, Riga

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