Study by programs external academic mobility is possible!

Study by programs external academic mobility is possible!

This was confirmed by students of 1-3 courses of the faculty of business and law at meeting with the Director of the Center for international programs and projects and academic mobility of KEU Shukusheva Elena Viktorovna and students of the faculty of business and law who studied at partner universities for exchange.
Students received detailed information about partner universities of Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, exchange programs, projects of the EU Tempus and Erasmus Mundus programs, directions and forms of study abroad and requirements for candidates to participate in the external academic mobility program.
Studying in the major European universities, the first sign of trouble and secrets to overcome them, interesting journeys and new acquaintances with students from other countries about the benefits of language practice, getting valuable experience, objectivity in the selection of candidates in KEU told Lanets Ksenia, student of group TOUR-42 (Roma Tre University, Rome (Italy), Tomashinov Sayat, a student of group RD-41к (Jnos Kodolanyi University of applied sciences, Budapest (Hungary), Kosaeva Laura, student of group SR-32 (University of Florence, Florence (Italy), Marat Alibek, student of group RD-42 (Anadolu University, Eskisehir (Turkey); graduates of the faculty of business and law, 1st year undergraduates, group TUR-11NP Dzhumalieva Sabina (Mendel University in Brno, Brno (Czech Republic) and Mikadze Liya (Kodolanyi Jnos University of applied sciences, Budapest (Hungary).
Students of the faculty of business and law, who studied in European universities, have repeatedly stressed that it is in KEU that there is an excellent opportunity to study abroad, for this you need to set a goal and go to it, improve your knowledge of a foreign language, actively participate in the social life of the faculty and University, have high academic achievements.



Study by programs external academic mobility is possible! Study by programs external academic mobility is possible! Study by programs external academic mobility is possible!
Study by programs external academic mobility is possible! Study by programs external academic mobility is possible! Study by programs external academic mobility is possible!
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