Editorial Board’s Ethics:
• The editorial board of the journal “KEU Bulletin” in its work is guided by the principles developed by the international association “Committee on Publication Ethics” (COPE), and adheres to a policy of ethical behavior requirements by authors and reviewers.
• Received for publication, but unpublished manuscripts and articles cannot be used by the members of editorial board for personal purposes;
• The editors of the journal are aimed to suppress all forms of unethical behavior both on their part and on the part of authors and reviewers.
• The editors of the journal do not allow publish articles rejected by reviewers as inappropriate scientific and ethical publications.
• The editorial staff of the journal compulsorily considers all official claims submitted to the journal’s editorial board.
• Editorial board’s work is based on the principles of courtesy, transparency, honesty and objectivity.

Author ethics:
• The authors are fully responsible for the selection and reliability of the facts, quotes, economic and statistical data, proper names, geographical names and other information, as well as for the use of data not intended for open printing.
• Actual data, all information borrowed from scientific literature and other sources, as well as citations given in the article, must be confirmed by appropriate links.
• Authors are fully responsible for the originality of the paper provided. Representation of plagiarism as an original work and publication of a previously published articles are not permissible. Plagiarism is any borrowing of someone else’s text without quoting, as well as paraphrasing and borrowing ideas (research results) without reference to the author.
• The authors of the publication should be all the scientists who contributed to the research. All authors of the publication are equally responsible for its content.

Reviewer Ethics:
• Only an independent scientist with a sufficient level of professional competence in the peer-reviewed field of science (topic, question, problem) and not a member of the editorial board of the journal can act as a reviewer.
• The reviewer acts as an independent expert deciding whether the publication complies with the requirements of science and copyright ethics.
• The manuscript submitted for review is a confidential document and falls under copyright law, and therefore cannot be used by the reviewer to discuss it with third parties (with the exception of members of the editorial board) or for personal purposes.
• If the reviewer considers himself (herself) insufficiently competent or biased with respect to the content (the author’s point of view on the problem) of the reviewed article, he (she) should refuse to review it.
• Articles submitted for review should not contain any personal information about its authors in order to avoid bias in terms of discrepancy of ethnic, religious, social or other qualities of authors and reviewer, not directly related to the content of the work.

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