• Платонус

  • ATTENTION! From January 20, 2021, the official name of the university was changed to "PRIVATE INSTITUTION "KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY OF KAZPOTREBSOYUZ" All contracts concluded before the date of re-registration are valid until the conditions are fully met. Please take into account the change in the name of the university when sending documents to our address.


Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience in psychology

Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience...

Psychologists have been trained in the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz since 2021, and the first graduation took place in 2023. Our first graduates are currently working as psychologists in various fields: healthcare, education,...
International Round Table on the Improvement of Students' Research Work in Universities

International Round Table on the Improvement of Students' Research...

On October 17, 2024, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted a significant event – the International Round Table as part of the implementation of the grant project AP19676691, “Innovative Model for Improving Students' Research Work in Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” The round table...
Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

October 18 is the Day of Spiritual Harmony. The date dates back to 1992, when the first World Congress of Spiritual Harmony took place in Kazakhstan. On the occasion of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, a round table was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the topic: “Problems of secular...
Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Our university hosted the presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program, which opens up new opportunities for talented graduates and professionals. The program provides a unique chance to become a teacher in regional schools of the country."We recruit and select promising graduates/leaders of leading...
The University's Career Center has received international recognition!

The University's Career Center has received international recognit...

The Career Center of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University has become a full member of the Kazakhstan Career Development Association (KazCDA), affiliated with the Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA). The certificate confirms the active participation of the Center in the activities of...
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Challenges

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Ch...

On October 10, 2024, the University held the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Artificial Intelligence and Challenges of the Digital World” in offline and online formats.During the conference, topical issues of using artificial intelligence in various fields were discussed. Participants...

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:



    Faculty of Economics and Management

  • Contingent of master students on educational program for 2021-22
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

    Training in the educational Management master program 7М04105 allows to train experts of a new formation who have broad fundamental knowledge; initiative, adaptive to the changing market requirements of work and the modern technologies able to work as individually, and in team. It is reached as a result of studying of such disciplines as «Organization and planning of scientific researches», «Science in national economy of Kazakhstan», «Methods and technologies of training at the higher school», «Organization and technique of carrying out studies», «Urgent problems of the theory of communication», «Corporate management», «Strategic analysis», «Controlling», «Consulting», «Management of business expansion», etc. It allows to purchase skills: obtaining, handlings and information transfers with use of modern technical means; carrying out a lecture, seminar and practical training; qualified statement of a training material. And to be competent: in the field of economy, the organization and management of commercial and non-business enterprises; in questions of the organization, planning and implementation of all types of a management activity; in establishment of the interpersonal relations and in use of various acceptances of motivation; in questions of carrying out research and pedagogical activities in the field of professional training; in questions of ensuring educational process of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION with standard and methodical materials.
    Graduates of a magistracy in the direction of preparation 7М04105 - "Management" can carry out the following types of professional activity:
    by scientific and pedagogical preparation: manager; managing director of department; head of department; deputy director, director, vice-president of the organizations and entities of all patterns of ownership; leading or chief specialist, head of the top and average management of bodies of local and public administration; consultant, research associate, senior, leader or chief researcher of the research organizations; expert, consultant of the educational and methodical organizations; teacher, senior teacher of average professional or higher educational institutions of a preparation profile.
    The academic degree is appropriated to the graduate:
    - in the scientific and pedagogical direction – the Master of economic sciences in the specialty "7М04105 - Management";
    Training term:
    in the scientific and pedagogical direction – 2 years.
    Form of education – internal.

    Degree program: Master of Economics and Business majoring 7М04105 "Management" scientific - pedagogical direction
    The extent and duration Single degree (one university)
    (131 ECTS - credits / loans 59 Kaz.)
    Educational foundation Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (IQAA) http://nkaoko.kz/
    Validity This program was approved by the University for a period of 2 yearы for those receiving a degree at the University from 2016
    Level KR for the EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2st cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework) level 7; NQF (National Qualifications Frame): Level 7
  • A) goal
    • The purpose of the educational program of specialty 7М04105 "Management" is training of specialists of an economic profile, an innovative personnel taking into account the prospects of development of the country of competitive highly qualified personnel with high spiritual and moral qualities, capable to independent thinking and ensuring progressive scientific and technical, social and economic and cultural development of society. owning skills of research and scientific and pedagogical work
    • Successful graduates should:
      -Set a goal and formulate the tasks associated with management, economic and productive activities;
      -analizirovat and process information;
      -Adopts morally and logically correct management decisions on the organization achieve its goals;
      - Identify the reserves for increasing the efficiency of organizations and make decisions appropriate changes in the market environment
      -delat assessment of investment projects and to work with scientific, regulatory, educational texts; to use modern forms of active learning methods in teaching.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • The main disciplines:
      Basic disciplines: History and Philosophy of Science, Foreign language (professional),
      Pedagogy, Psychology, Strategic Management, Organization and planning of scientific researches, Science in national economy of Kazakhstan, Methods and technologies of training at the higher school, Organization and technique of carrying out studies, Bases of professional and pedagogical communication, Urgent problems of the theory of communication, Mathematical evaluation methods and managements of economic risks, Mathematical modeling on macro - and microlevel.
      Major disciplines: Corporate management, Strategic analysis, Economics and Managenent in Agriculture, Institutional framework for management activities, Controlling, Management of profit, Management of an investment strategy of business, Consulting, Modern management problems in economy of Kazakhstan, Financial management (advanced rate), Organization culture and leadership, Management of business expansion, Management of business communication, Risk management of the organization
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • With the implementation of educational programs specialty 7М04105 "Management" applies the credit-modular system of educational process organization, based on a modular principle, curricula, using the credit system and the corresponding educational technology
    • 3.Direction
    • Social sciences, economy and business
    • 4.Features
    • The graduates of the educational program 7М04105 "Management" focused on:
      - Organizational - administrative;
      - Production - management;
      - Economic;
      - Analytical;
      - Scientific - research;
      - Expert - advisory;
      - Education (teaching);
      - Educational - methodical.
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Business structures, manufacturing, organizations and companies of various forms of ownership, government bodies, financial institutions, design and research institutes, research and production, and educational institutions.
    • 2.Further training
    • Doctoral 6D050700 «Management»
  • D) Style education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process is widely used innovative forms of employment (business games, case studies, field sessions, debates, round tables, discussions, review of literature, individual and group projects) are also provided prompt practitioners to conduct lectures, seminars, master classes
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Landmark control; intermediate certification (testing); protection NIRM reports on the passage teaching, research and production practices (reports); Scientific study tour (report), final examination (State examination, Master's thesis defense)
  • E) Program competence
    • 1.General competence
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State educational standards of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the third level of the cycle.
      This includes the general competence (also known as key skills) expected of graduates of the third cycle.
      Listed below are a summary of competence and the competence of the most characteristic for this program:
      OC 1 - have an understanding of the role of science and education, current trends in the development of scientific knowledge about the actual problems of science and technology;
      OC 2 - an understanding of the professional competence of the teacher of the higher school, the contradictions and consequences of globalization;
      OC 3 - know the methodology of scientific knowledge, principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity;
      OC 4 - to know the psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process, psychological methods and means to improve the efficiency and quality of education;
      OC 5 - know how to use and integrate the acquired knowledge for solving research problems and analytical work in new unfamiliar conditions and atypical situations;
      OC 6 - be able to apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of higher education in their teaching activities;
      OC 7 - fluent in a foreign language at a professional level, allowing to carry out scientific research and to implement the teaching of special disciplines in the universities;
      OC 8 - have the skills of the research activities, standard solutions of scientific problems and correct representation of the results;
      OC 9 - have the skills to conduct educational and teaching activities with the use of modern information technology, teaching methods and a variety of professional communication;
      OC 10 to have the skills of professional communication, intercultural communication, public speaking;
      OC 11 - to be able to broaden and deepen the knowledge necessary to povsednenoy professional and continuing education;
      OC 12 - be competent in the field of research methodology, research and teaching activities, research in the professional field and the expansion of professional skills
    • 2.Specific competencies:
    • PC 1 - be able to demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding in the professional field;
      PC 2 - to be able to compile, analyze and interpret the socio-economic, financial, investment, legal and other information, formulate arguments and solve problems in the field;
      PC 3 - own methods of analysis, be capable of justification accepted and implemented solutions in the professional area, be prepared to apply the results in practice;
      PC 4 - to be prepared for the development of new ideas and their use, including in the context of scientific studies;
      PC 5 - own methods of carrying out independent research and interpretation of their results, methods of self-setting issues and find ways to solve them;
      PC - 6 to be able to analyze and evaluate the current performance of social, economic and political development of the country's regions;
      PC 7- being able to analyze the best scientific and technical expertise and technology trends;
      PK8 - be able to carry out theoretical and experimental research in the field of science and knowledge;
      PC 9 - possess the tools to handle economic data, calculations analysis and justification of the findings;
      PC 10 - have the skills to build theoretical and econometric models;
      PC 11 - to be able to make professional decisions based on economic, environmental impacts, ethical requirements and rights;
      PC 12 to be able to develop and prove variants of effective decisions, to be able to organize and analyze business activity;
      PC 13 to be able to identify and analyze cause-and-effect relationships in the subject field;
      PC 14 - to be able to self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with diverse humanitarian and natural science knowledge and interests;
      PC 15 - be prepared for planning and conducting applied research in the relevant professional field;
      PC 16 to be capable of planning, organization, implementation of research results;
      PC 17 - be prepared to participate in the development of new programs and improved training courses majors;
      PC 18 to be ready for the preparation and conduct of the various forms of organization of learning activities using modern methods of active learning in higher and further education
  • F) A complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of the master's of professional practice in the organization, as well as with the client, undergraduates are able to demonstrate the ability of the following:
      be competent:
      in economics, organization and management of commercial and non-profit organizations; in the organization, planning and implementation of all kinds of administrative activity; to establish interpersonal relationships and the use of different methods of motivation; the promotion of the scientific - research and educational activities in the field of vocational training; in ensuring the educational process of the university normative - methodical materials.
  • History and philosophy of science 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, political science, culturology.
    • Post-requisitions: Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication.
    • Purpose: to study the regularities and trends in the development of special activities for the production of scientific knowledge, taken in their historical dynamics and considered in a historically changing sociocultural context.
    • Brief description of the course: The subject of history and philosophy of science. Philosophy and methodology of science as a branch of philosophical knowledge. Methodology of the system approach. Philosophy and methodology of synergetics. The emergence and formation of science. Science in the Ancient World, the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. New European science is a classical stage in the development of science. The basic concepts and directions of the nonclassical and post-nonclassical stage of the development of science. Structure and levels of scientific knowledge. World outlook bases of science. Philosophical foundations of science and the scientific picture of the world. Science as a profession. Ideals and norms of science. Functions of science. Scientific traditions and scientific revolutions. History and philosophy of natural and technical sciences. History and Philosophy of Social and Human Sciences. Philosophical problems of development of modern global civilization.
    • Expected Result:
    • To know: the nature, structure, principles of the organization and functioning of science; genesis and history of science from the standpoint of the formation of its models, images and styles of thinking, the interrelationship of scientific and philosophical thought; the fundamental basis and conceptual apparatus of history and philosophy of science; the production of knowledge, the laws of the formation and development of scientific disciplines, the basic principles of scientific research. Have an idea of ​​the socio-cultural specific features of history and the philosophy of science; freely operate with concepts; to know the universal connections of phenomena, to understand the essence of the development of science of its dynamics; independently to understand general theoretical questions; master the skills and techniques of the philosophical analysis of science and reflection.
    • To be able to use knowledge and abilities of understanding in practice, to transform the theoretical level of comprehension of information into the corresponding level of the communicative process.
    • To advance, substantiate and criticize certain judgments, to separate the essential from the nonessential; to reveal the interrelations between the phenomena of reality; to identify and analyze contradictions in the surrounding reality, to see it in change and development; conduct a philosophical analysis of fragments of reality with the application of methods and laws of philosophy; master the methodology of scientific knowledge; build a system of evidence in accordance with the criteria of severity, carry out information and search activities, carry out analytical and synthetic activities.
    • To present information in various forms of messages, taking into account the specific nature of the audience and to build a communicative process.
    • Increase self-study skills and develop the need for personal and professional self-improvement for lifelong learning.
    • Lecturer's Full Name: PhD Econ., associate professor Klishina M. V.
  • Foreign language (professional level) 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the scope of the university course.
    • Post-requisitions: mastering a foreign language at the level of international standards B2, as well as LSP - a language for special purposes.
    • Purpose: systemic deepening of communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language proficiency in the professional work of the future master.
    • Brief description of the course: The organization of the financial industry. Regulation and Deregulation. The times of the Indefinite group. Parts of speech - General overview. Retail banking. Commercial and investment banking. The future of bank branches. Continuous group times. Business correspondence 1 Formal and informal style 1. Group times Perfect, Perfect Continuous. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Loans and credit. Passive voice and passive design. Business correspondence. Modal verbs: may, must, to be to, to, to, should. Accounting. Types of Accounting. Infinitive and infinitive constructions. Features of the infinitive translation. Central banking. Monetary policy. Money and banking. Gerund. Features of translation gerund. Types of banks. Banking system. Communion I, II. Features of translation. Financing international trade. Clarifying Incoterms. Structure of the English sentence. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Meeting 1. Meeting 2 Controlling meetings. Concluding a meeting. Types of offers. Foreign exchange. Foreign exchange markets. Exchange rates. Currency trading. Complex sentences. Types of subordinate clauses. Balance Sheet 1. Time alignment. Balance Sheet 2. Subjunctive mood. Asset management. Regulating the financial sector. Conditional offers. Revision of lexical and grammar material. Indirect speech. Final test.
    • Expected Result:
    • to have an ability to conduct dialogical and monologic speech in English;
    • to conduct discussions on professional, business and everyday topics;
    • to perceive English-speaking speech by ear (professional terminology);
    • to have the skills of business written communication;
    • to read and translate texts by profession with a dictionary and without a dictionary;
    • to understand the content of the read;
    • to transfer the contents of the read;
    • to use of reference literature (explanatory and other dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias).
    • Lecturer's Full Name: к.р.s., associate professor Yertysbaeva G. N., Ph.D., сandidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Aubakirova G.T.
  • Pedagogy 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology", "History of Philosophy and Science".
    • Post-requisitions: "Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education".
    • Purpose: to master the basics of professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher of higher education, to familiarize future teachers with the general problems, methodological and theoretical foundations of high school pedagogy, modern technologies of analysis, planning and organization of teaching and upbringing, communicative technologies of subject-subject interaction between the teacher and student in the educational process university.
    • Brief description of the course: Pedagogical science and its place in the system of human sciences. The modern paradigm of higher education. The system of higher professional education in Kazakhstan. Methodology of pedagogical science. Professional and communicative competence of the teacher of higher education. Theory of teaching in higher education (didactics). Content of higher education. Organization of the learning process based on the credit system of education in higher education. Traditional and innovative methods and forms of organization of training. New educational technologies in higher education. Organization of independent work of students in the conditions of credit technology. Technology of compilation of teaching materials. Theory of scientific activity of higher education. NIRS. Higher school as a social institution of education and personality formation specialist. Curator in the system of higher education. Management in Higher Education.
    • Expected Result:
    • To have an idea of ​​the actual problems of pedagogical science, the essence of pedagogical activity of the university teacher and master the knowledge of the foundations of pedagogy of higher education, to master such concepts as the methodology of pedagogical science, the content of education, new educational technologies in higher education;
    • To distinguish pedagogical facts, phenomena, events from the reality surrounding them and describe them in the language of pedagogical science; explain and predict the development of pedagogical situations, relying on the laws of pedagogical theories; to design the educational process, based on new concepts of education and upbringing; to create a creative development environment in the process of education and upbringing; to develop educational-methodical and information complexes in various specialties;
    • Use the methods of information retrieval and analytical and synthetic activities in the solution of substantive tasks; be able to make judgments on social, scientific or ethical issues and interpret social processes, phenomena and facts on the basis of scientific critical analysis;
    • Provide information in various forms of communication, taking into account the specifics of the audience; organize and participate in interaction with the professional and surrounding community, work in a group, have different social roles in the team;
    • To increase the skills of independent work and development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement; to benefit from experience, to organize the relationship of their knowledge and to order them, to see the prospects of their own activity.
    • Lecturer's Full Name: doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Mulikova S.A.
  • Psychology 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, Sociology, Culturology.
    • Post-requisitions: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose: to teach the undergraduates the basics of higher school psychology, to expand their professional capabilities in terms of applying psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. The subject, tasks and structure of higher school psychology. Education as a global object of higher school psychology. Psychological foundations of the learning process. Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process. Psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of teaching in modern conditions. Management of the learning process. Learning as a subject of educational activity. Psychological basis of the process of education. The problem of education in higher education. Education and the formation of professional self-awareness. Problems psychodiagnostics professionally-oriented personality. Psychological counseling of students and teachers, taking into account the profile of the future professional activities of a specialist. Psychology of pedagogical communication. Psychology of pedagogical influence. The problem of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students.
    • Expected Result:
    • to know the prospects for the development of psychological science and to understand the role of psychology in the professional activity of the university teacher;
    • to apply in various spheres of professional activity methods of studying characterological features of people and psychological influence on students and student groups;
    • to carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of psychological techniques in managing conflicts in the pedagogical process of the university, the psychological factors of effectiveness and optimization of the educational process, stimulating the educational and cognitive activity of students, etc. and formulate conclusions on this basis;
    • to present the interpretation of the results of psychological diagnostic techniques, the study of the psychological factors of the educational process and the educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of communication (characteristics, references, projects, mini-studies, etc.).
    • the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Lecturer's Full Name: к.р.s., associate professor Kenzhebayeva S. К.
  • Strategic management 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Strategic management
    • In world modern practice of management of the entities and organizations the wide experience of adoption of strategic decisions in unstable conditions is accumulated. A certain contribution to development of the theory and management practice in the conditions of uncertainty was brought by many scientists and practicians. This experience found reflection in various areas of scientific knowledge connected with the theory and management practice including in discipline "Strategic management".
    • As a result of studying of a rate undergraduates shall seize knowledge, abilities:
      • to be able to develop development strategies of the organization;
      • to perform the analysis of competitive strategy, taking into account the factors influencing a situation in an industry;
      • to carry out the professional and objective analysis of organization activity, including its external environment in the field of management, on the basis of various methods of the managerial analysis;
      • to be able to create philosophy of business and a corporate culture of the organization.
    • During studying of discipline undergraduates shall seize skills, necessary for development of the studied discipline:
      • to use the gained knowledge for original development and use of the ideas in the context of strategic management;
      • to critically analyze the existing concepts, theories and approaches to the analysis of strategy of the companies;
      • to integrate knowledge gained within training of discipline of strategic management for the solution of research tasks in new unfamiliar conditions;
      • by integration of knowledge to take out judgments and to make decisions on the basis of incomplete or limited information;
      • to think creatively and to approach creatively the solution of new problems and situations;
    • During studying of a rate foreign experience, a condition and the prospects of development of strategic management in the Republic of Kazakhstan is used.
    • This program is standard. It is developed by department of management and marketing TREASURY of al-Farabi. In case of creation of the working program approved by Council of higher education institution it is recommended to make amendments and additions.
    • Prerekvizita: Management
    • Lecturer's Full Name: PhD Econ., associate professor Gelashvili N. N.
  • Organization and planning of scientific research 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: History and Philosophy of Science, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics
    • Postrequest: Methodology of teaching special disciplines, innovative research methods in management
    • Purpose: to study the basic concepts, methods and stages of research work.
    • Short course description: formation of a complex of knowledge about the essence, role, function of science and scientific research and their interrelation with the main stages of research activity.
    • Theoretical ideas about science will be revealed as a constantly developing system of ideas about the world, and as a necessary institution of social development. Within the framework of this course, knowledge of the essence and content, methodology and logical foundations of scientific research will be presented. Also, the basic methods of scientific research, necessary preparations for the preparatory stage of research work, such as the collection of scientific information and planning of research will be studied. In general, this course is aimed at a comprehensive study of general theoretical and practical issues of the organization and management of research work.
    • Expected results: In studying this course, the master student will know the basic concepts, methods and stages of scientific research, in accordance with the latest requirements for scientific and innovative activities. The acquired knowledge in the course of this course will also allow the undergraduate to follow the logical sequence of the research and to solve the correctly set goal and tasks of the study in a comprehensive manner.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Ulybyshev D. N.
  • Science in national economy of Kazakhstan 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, History and philosophy of science, Macroeconomic.
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing of the master thesis
    • Purpose: To give to undergraduates of knowledge, sciences, necessary for complete understanding of institute, its purposes, tasks and functions in relation to national economy of Kazakhstan, identification of crucial elements of the scientific sphere, quality and quantity characteristics of its development, interaction of the scientific sphere of the country with other subsystems of national economy; to create at undergraduates complex idea of the urgent problems of functioning of scientific sector in Kazakhstan and also developed and developing countries.
    • Short description of a rate: Theoretical bases of innovative development of modern economy. Modern ideas of science. Institute of science and its components. Intellectual equity as main resource of science. Science as type of professional activity. Foreign experience of the organization of the scientific sphere (USA, European Union, Russia, Japan). Tendencies of development of scientific sector of Kazakhstan. Interrelation of science and state. Interrelation of science and business. Science infrastructure. Legal regulation of scientific activities. Preparation of scientific research. Maintenance of scientific research.
    • The expected results:
    • To seize knowledge of the scientific sphere in the context of modern concepts of social development, forming and development of science as crucial element of modern market economy, interaction of science with other subsystems of national economy.
    • To be able to put into practice the gained knowledge of mechanisms of functioning of the scientific sphere, sources of financing of researches, standard legal support of scientific activities, organizational maintenance of scientific research.
    • With deep arguments and it is logical to prove own line item concerning the applied scientific methods, creation and writing of scientific works, science roles in modern economy.
    • To perform collection and interpretation of quantitative and high-quality parameters of development of science within own line item about a role of the state and business in its development, to discuss on the most burning issues of a condition of science of Kazakhstan.
    • To purchase skills of the organization of independent and collective scientific research, writing of scientific works (requests, articles, projects).
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Ulybyshev D. N.
  • Methods and technologies of training at the higher school 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogics, Psychology
    • Post-requisites: student teaching
    • Purpose: to create competences of planning, development and the organization of educational process of higher education institution.
    • Short description of a rate: Priorities of reforming and upgrade of the higher education in Kazakhstan. Content and forms of methodical work of the teacher of higher education institution. Forms of the organization of training of students at the higher school. Methods and tutorials in higher education institution. Modern technologies of training at the higher school.
    • The expected results: to know the prospects of development of pedagogical science and professional activity of the teacher of higher education institution, to understand essence of technologization of training; to apply the training methods adequate to the purposes and content of a subject matter, effective pedagogical technologies of training of specialists in professional activity; to perform analitiko-synthetic activities in assessment of opportunities and restrictions of methods, means, forms and technologies of training in higher education institution, a reflection of the given studies and to formulate on this basis of the conclusion; to represent interpretation of positive pedagogical experience, educational and methodical materials and results of educational cognitive activity of the student in various forms of messages (references, reports, expert opinions, mini-researches, etc.); need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: к.р.s., associate professor Kenzhebayeva S. К.
  • Organization and methodology of conducting training sessions 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy, Psychology
    • Post-requisition: Pedagogical practice
    • The goal: the formation of pedagogical competencies necessary for the organization of the educational process in higher education and readiness for the management of educational and cognitive activities of students.
    • Brief description of the course: Actual problems of education, standardization in education. Organization of educational process. Implementation of didactic principles in the teaching process. Forms of teaching in the learning process.
    • Methods of teaching in an educational institution. Modern means of teaching. Modern technologies of teaching. Psychological and pedagogical bases of activation of the educational process. Interactive methods of teaching in high school. Methodology of using AMO on the SRSP (CDS). Psihologo-pedagogical bases of the control in training. The method of control in education in the university. Control of students' knowledge in the conditions of the credit system of training. Tasks and content of the methodical work of the university teacher.
    • Expected result: the acquisition of competences in the field of formation of a holistic view of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the methodology of teaching special disciplines with the help of the most modern textbooks, including certain aspects of knowledge at the forefront of the science, acquiring knowledge and understanding in terms of a professional approach to their activities, showing competence and demonstrating the building of convincing arguments in solving problems in the field of education, acquire the ability to collect and interpret the necessary data in order to make judgments in the field of cognitive activity, pedagogical analysis and evaluation of the methodical work of the university teacher.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: p.s.d., associate professor Minzhanov N.A.
  • Bases of professional and pedagogical communication 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: pedagogics, psychology, рhilosophy
    • Post-requisites: student teaching
    • Purpose - forming of professional and significant qualities of undergraduates in training process to bases of professional and pedagogical communication, arms their knowledge of theoretical bases of discipline. The main approaches to the description of the personality, the interpersonal relations, the conflicts reveal.
    • Short description of a rate: Historical aspect of development of communication in national pedagogics. Communication and popular wisdom. The analysis of a problem of communication in domestic pedagogics. Development of a problem of communication abroad. The analysis of a problem of communication in domestic pedagogics. Teachers innovators about pedagogical communication. Purposes of professional and pedagogical communication. Functions of professional and pedagogical communication. Content of professional and pedagogical communication. Means of professional and pedagogical communication. Structure of professional and pedagogical communication. Features of styles of a pedagogical management. Psychological climate of communication. Psychological barriers in communication. Communication in conflict situations.
    • The expected results: the undergraduate shall: to show profound knowledge about content of activities of the tutor in educational institution, by a technique of the organization of independent activities of students; to know a technique of the organization of teaching and educational process in educational institution; to be able it is correct to estimate tendencies of development of modern pedagogics and practice of education.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: p.s.d., associate professor Minzhanov N.A.
  • Urgent problems of the theory of communication 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogics, psychology
    • Post-requisites: management business - communications
    • Purpose: forming of professional and significant qualities of undergraduates in training process to bases the global transformation of industrial society happening in the modern world in information and communicative society accompanied not only penetration of communication into all spheres of activity of society, origin and development of qualitatively new type of communicative structures and processes.
    • Short description of a rate. Methodological problems of the theory of communication. Sources and main stages of development of the theory of communication. Communicative methods of a research. Sociology and psychology of mass communication. Political communication. Corporate, business communication. Communicative technologies in information society. Development and teaching rates on communication.
    • The expected results: to create philosophical humanist views of the teacher at undergraduates; to promote assimilation at undergraduates of the basic psychology and pedagogical concepts, regularities and ability to apply them in future pedagogical activities; to create at undergraduates of ability in an opportunity to purposefully develop the psychology and pedagogical potential of the identity of the trainee; to train undergraduates in methods of a scientific and psychological research in the field of communication psychology.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: Dative of N, professor Minzhanov N. A
  • Mathematical evaluation methods and managements of economic risks 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Mathematics in economy, Informatics, Microeconomics, Finance.
    • Post-requisites: risk – management in the organizations, writing of the master thesis.
    • Purpose: to learn to use mathematical evaluation methods of degree of economic risks, to manage industry and regional risks.
    • Short description of a rate: Essence of economic risk. Mathematical models and evaluation methods of risk. Absolute measures of a risk assessment in the conditions of definiteness. Relative indicators of a risk assessment in the conditions of definiteness. Probabilistic indicators of risk in the conditions of partial uncertainty. Statistical method of estimation of a risk degree. Risk degree estimates in the conditions of uncertainty. The analysis of profitability and risk of financial transactions on the basis of the principle of an optimality of Pareto. Expert evaluation methods of risk. Assessment of coordination of opinions of experts. Specific indicators of tendency of the project to risk. Analytical evaluation method of a risk degree of investments. Market model of assessment of capital assets of Sharp. Choice of the optimum plan by method of creation of trees of events. Management of investment projects in the conditions of risk.
    • The expected results: acquisition of competences in risk management; the skills connected with identification, risk analysis and decision making which include maximization positive and minimization of negative consequences of approach of risk events; forecasting of a risk situation, determination of admissible limits of risk, choice of the most preferable option of actions for risk management.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Yemelina N. K.
  • Mathematical modeling on macro - and microlevel 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: The economic theory, Mathematics in economy, Microeconomics, Macroeconomic, Statistics, Informatics.
    • Post-requisites: management of an investment strategy of business, management of profit, writing of the master thesis.
    • Purpose: this rate is directed to studying of economy by means of mathematical models on macro - and microlevel, the main methods of the analysis of economic data for decision making and forecasting of social and economic development.
    • Short description of a rate: Modeling in economy and its use in development and formalization of the economic theory. Usefulness maximization. Research of model of the consumer choice. Slutsky's equation. Behavior models of producers. Inventory management models. Economic interaction of consumers and producers. Valras's model. Leontyev's model of diversified economy. Linear model of trade. Employment modeling. Inflation models. Models of economic growth. Model of a public debt. Mathematical models of market economy. Modeling of investments and analysis of their efficiency.
    • The expected results: knowledge of main types of models, methods of creation of the functions describing dependences of the major economic factors and acquisition of practical skills of application of the studied models in the field of statement and the solution of tasks of the analysis and the optimum choice.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Yemelina N. K.
  • Corporate management 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Management, Corporate management, Project management
    • Post-requisites: Business in investment management strategy, leadership and organisatsioonidele, Business communication management
    • Purpose: forming at students of scientific fundamental knowledge in the theory of corporate management and practical skills in the field of a management activity corporate structures.
    • Short description of a rate: Corporations as fundamentals of modern economy. Main lines of modern corporation. Investment activity and investment policy of corporations. Types of corporations, their classification. A general characteristic of modern corporations in industrialized countries. Joint-stock company as main form of corporate management.
    • Corporation in the international economic system. International movement of financial and production resources. Direct foreign capital investments and multinational corporations (multinational corporation). Features of development of corporate management in Kazakhstan. Interaction of state bodies and large subjects of market economy.
    • Features of the organization of management of corporation. Corporate relations and principles of management of corporation. Implementation of a corporate management system by means of use of tactics of merges and absorption. Management of corporation on the basis of controlling stocks. Corporate management by enterprise integration process. Corporation as instrument of integration of industrial and banking capital. Prerequisites, problems and conditions of integration of the bank and industrial equities. Performance management of functioning of a specific technological chain.
    • The expected results: Studying of discipline will allow to acquire knowledge in the sphere of corporate management and the corporate relations. To seize mechanisms of merging of the entities, in particular tactics of merge and absorption in a corporate management system. To put into practice the principles and methods of management of corporations, to analyze management systems corporations, to develop the practical measures directed to effective management of corporate property.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: Doctor Phd of Jazykbayeva Б.К.
  • Strategic analysis 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Management, strategic management
    • Post-requisites: Management of business expansion
    • Purpose: forming of system knowledge of features of the strategic analysis in the conditions of market economy; studying of methodology, technology, tools of the strategic analysis; mastering practical skills of development of strategy for specific objects of management.
    • Short description of a rate: General concept of the strategic analysis. Tools of the strategic analysis. Analysis of a macroenvironment of the company. Analysis of a microenvironment of the company. Analysis of the internal environment of the company. Situation analysis. Portfolio management of the diversified company. Current trends of strategic management.
    • The expected results: the capability to manage the companies, divisions, to employee groups, projects; a capability to develop corporate strategy; ownership of methods of the economic analysis of behavior of economic agents and the markets in the global environment; shall be able to estimate the company by means of methods of the analysis of an industry of competitive advantages of the company.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: Doctor Phd of Omarova A. T.
  • Economics and Management in Agriculture 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Macroeconomics, Strategic management
    • Post requisites: Management of investment strategy of business
    • The aim of the course is development of the knowledge and skills in the Agriculture economics theory and practice. Discipline considers different aspects of agriculture sectors and food security, with special attention to grain production, milk and meat sector. Special attention is given to food security system of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, strategic planning. The course material can be useful in planning careers, managing relationships with other people, making complex decisions, for jobs in agriculture sector. This course can also help you understand some of the challenges involved in strategic management. Ultimately, the tools and skills developed in this course should equip with knowledge about particularities of agriculture economics and food security.
    • Tasks of course:
    • Basic knowledge of Agriculture Economics receiving;
      • Study of theoretical and practical aspects of food security system;
      • Research of foreign and Kazakhstan experience of agriculture;
      • Study of theoretical questions if strategic management
    • Study results are:
    • Demonstration of the knowledge and skills in the Agriculture economics
    • Applying of the theoretical knowledge and understanding problems of grain, meat and diary sector
    • Development of the skills of argumentation through the searching, analyses food security system
    • Development of the presentation skills
    • Development of the self-studying skills
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: Doctor Phd of Omarova A. T.
  • Institutional framework for management activities 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Пререквизиты: Macroeconomics, State Regulatory Economies, Mathematical modeling for macro and microorganisms.
    • Постреквизиты: Nauchno-research work, work on the master's thesis.
    • Purpose: to form the basic ideas about the mechanism of interconnection and mutual influence of social and economic relations, the role of the norms of society and individual norms in economic behavior, social institutions as an element of the social and economic system.
    • Brief description of the course: In this course, undergraduates study the institutional framework of the neoclassical economy, institutional theory: "old" and "new" institutionalism rationality as a norm of behavior, Coase's theorem and transaction costs, change of institutions over time: evolution and revolution the effect of historical conditioning of development, theory firm: institutional option, types of contracts, the boundary between the organization and the market.
    • Expected results: In studying this discipline, the master student receives assimilation of the main categories of institutional economics and their content in the economic space; the study of the evolution of the theories of the old institutionalism, the new institutionalism and neoinstitutionalism; development of ideas about the economy as an institutional process; the study of the main provisions of the institutional economy on the basis of the classical theory of institutions; formation of the idea of ​​institutions as one of the fundamental forms of social and economic organization of society; the study of the category of transaction costs, as the basis for the firm's competitiveness in modern economic space; the concept of contracts and their types in the modern economy, the extension of knowledge about the firm in terms of contracts.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: e.s.d., professor Pritvorova T.P.
  • Controlling 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: the higher mathematics, microeconomics, financial accounting, project management
    • Post-requisites: writing of the master thesis
    • Purpose: training of undergraduates in theoretical bases and practical aspects of the organization of the controlling which is an integral part of the latest management system the entities. In modern conditions of dynamic change of the external environment of functioning of business, it is necessary to provide training of specialists, owning scientific methods of the system analysis allowing to formalize process of acceptance of management decisions, to structure knowledge in expert systems and systems of decision support.
    • Short description of a rate: the concept of controlling, the place of controllers in an enterprise management system, types and structure of controlling, managerial accounting - a controlling basis, enhancement of systems of accounting and planning at the entities, the systems of calculation of costs and production volumes oriented to management, controlling of innovative and investment processes, diagnostics of a financial condition within system of controlling, development of budgets as the instrument of operational controlling, methods of variance analysis of the actual results from planned, information support in controlling, management of nformatsionny technologies in controlling, the organization of system of controlling at the entity, current trends of development of controlling.
    • The expected results:
      • to research diagnostics of system of accounting and planning by activities of the entities which represent Basic Elements of controlling;
      • to seize the methods of investment, financial calculations, and also costing methods oriented to enterprise management;
      • to seize technology of development of the current and strategic budgets of the entity;
      • to have an idea of features of the organization of systems of operational and strategic controlling;
      • to study a technique of the organization of controlling at the entities;
      • to be guided in the forecasts and the prospects of development of controlling following from strengthening of a role of network structures in economy, strengthenings of a role of non-material production factors, growth of quality requirements of corporate management.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: Dr.Econ.Sci., professor Sikhimbayeva D. R.
  • Management of profit 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: management, economy of the entity
    • Post-requisites: Research practice
    • Purpose: forming at undergraduates of the competences aimed at the development of capabilities in planning, forming and management of profit of accounting entities in the course of their activities.
    • Short description of a rate: profit as economic category and object of management, classification of types and order of forming of profit of firm structure of the controling mechanism profit, management functions by profit. Ways and management tools profit, profit analysis of firm, Marginal profit analysis. the analysis of profit distribution from a line item of self-increase (self-sufficiency) of the equity and self-financing of firm dividend policy, the strategy of influence on the cost of the company connected with dividend policy of a basis of tax planning of firms, profit planning of firm, tax planning as a part of business, a task, the purpose, stages of tax planning, tax schemes, tax benefit, planning of the tax field as a factor of optimization of profit
    • The expected results:
      • acquaintance with theoretical and methodical bases of management of financial results of firm:
      • to apply analysis techniques of economic (financial) results of activities of firm and to be able to reveal allowances of increase in profit;
      • to master technologies of preparation of analytical materials for the choice and acceptance of management decisions on management of profit of firm.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: Dr.Econ.Sci., professor Sikhimbayeva D. R.
  • Management of an investment strategy of business 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: investment management, strategic management, corporate management
    • Post-requisites: research work, defense of the master's thesis.
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline "Management of the investment strategy of business" is to master the master's professional knowledge in the field of theory and practice of managing the investment strategy of the business, the economic evaluation of investment, the organization of the implementation of investment projects, the construction of schemes for project management.
    • Course outline. The content of the course "Managing the investment strategy of business" provides a good understanding of the theoretical and practical knowledge of management decisions within the business management of the investment business, as well as the creation of a targeted investment portfolio, the correct use of tools to assess investment liquidity.
    • Expected results:
      • Knowledge of normative documents and legislation defining innovative processes;
      • know the theoretical basis for effective decision-making about the development of the business investment business;
      • know the basic concepts of investment projects, analyze the main investment risks;
      • demonstrate in practice methods for collecting information on investment valuation;
      • knowledge of the solutions necessary for a thorough analysis of investment projects, as well as studying the basic business plan schema.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: Doctor Phd of Orynbassarova E.D.
  • Consulting 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: management, organization and project management, marketing, production management
    • Post-requisites: writing of the master thesis
    • Purpose: forming at undergraduates of knowledge, skills in the sphere of consulting. In the course of studying undergraduates shall acquire theoretical, methodological, methodical and applied aspects of consulting in their unity, understand cross-disciplinary nature of this discipline, a modern perspective and technology of the solution of tasks in the sphere of communication activities, methods of the organization and carrying out consulting researches and developments, and also to independently find ways and methods of increase in efficiency of communication systems and technologies, their aiming at the solution of strategic and operational tasks of the modern organizations both in the sphere of business, and in system of public administration.
    • Short description of a rate: Consulting as business form. Consulting in system of crisis management. Reengineering. Finance consulting. Auditing. Intra-corporate consulting. Accomplishment of consulting projects. Collection and analysis of information. Creation of reports. Rational belief.
    • The expected results: Studying of discipline shall allow students to develop capabilities which the consultant shall possess: precisely to determine a capability what information is necessary for decision making, ability to find it; a capability to perform the work so that all necessary changes would lead to success; a capability precisely to state the thoughts in oral and to precisely state the thoughts in an oral and written form.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: Dr.Econ.Sci., professor Sikhimbayeva D. R.
  • Modern management problems in economy of Kazakhstan 3 кредита/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economics and management in agriculture, Mathematical methods of assessment and management of economic risks, Micro-macroeconomic analysis
    • Post-requisites: Research practice, work on the master's thesis.
    • Purpose: Formation of undergraduates' understanding of the actual problems of functioning and reforming the national economic system of Kazakhstan in the context of increasing its competitiveness in the world economic system.
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical bases of identification of the national economic system of Kazakhstan; Stages of reforming the national economy of Kazakhstan; The main factors of sustainable socio-economic development, modernization and restructuring of the Kazakh economy; Problems associated with the formation and development of elements of a socially-oriented market economy in Kazakhstan; Problems related to the provision of innovative and technological development of the economy of Kazakhstan; Problems associated with reforming the public sector of the economy of Kazakhstan; Problems of improving the efficiency of public finances through the introduction of results-based budgeting; Problems of ensuring rational subsoil use in Kazakhstan, etc.
    • Expected results: assimilation of the main theoretical concepts of identification of the national economic system, identification of the main factors and problems of ensuring sustainable development of the economy of Kazakhstan, its modernization and restructuring, identify the main problems of the functioning of the economy of Kazakhstan at the present stage and learn possible ways to effectively solve them.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: e.s.d., professor Pritvorova T.P.
  • Financial management (advanced rate) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: theory of finance, insurance, financial management, world financial markets
    • Post-requisites: accomplishment of the master thesis, passing of a work practice
    • Purpose: acquisition by undergraduates of profound theoretical knowledge in the field of management of finance in insurance companies, and assimilation of the main practical acceptances, methods of financial management
    • Short description of a rate: Economic content of financial management in insurance companies. Information support of financial management. Financial planning of activities of an insurance company. Finance of an insurance company. Financial analysis of activities of an insurance company. Capital management of an insurance company. Ensuring financial stability of an insurance company. Assessment of solvency of an insurance company. Investment management of an insurance company
    • The expected results:
      • high level of assimilation of the basic theoretical provisions of the studied discipline;
      • studying of the main methods of work and acceptances of practical work in the field of management of finance of insurance companies;
      • acquisition of practical skills of the analysis of information and acceptance of finance solutions in insurance companies
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Aubakirova A. T.
  • Organization culture and leadership 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Management, Stratgichesky management, Organizational behavior, Human resources management, Ethics of the office relations
    • Post-requisites: Corporate management, competitive strategy of business
    • Purpose: to seize the modern concepts describing an organization culture and leadership, methods and technologies of management of an organization culture in the companies.
    • Short description of a rate: Concept and model of oranizatsionny culture. Prichna of attention in an organization culture in management. An organization culture in the context of strategy and strateichesky management. Organization development and forming of an organization culture. A leader role in development of an organization culture. Studying and methods of diagnostics of an organization culture. Methods of forming and change of an organization culture. The methods of forming of an organization culture used by the companies. Management of an organization culture in processes of merge and absorption.
    • The expected results: to master the major concepts and modern concepts of an organizational kulyuta; to be able to establish interrelation between a strateiya of the company and oranizatsionny culture, to determine the place of subjects of management of an organization culture in a management system the company; to be able to use methods and tools of a research and diagnostics like an organization culture; to be able to use methods and technologies of management of an organization culture in the companies.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Kose Zh. K.
  • Management of business expansion 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: management, innovative technologies of education
    • Post-requisites: controlling, practical operational management
    • Purpose: to create system, professional knowledge, qualification skills of management of business expansion at undergraduates
    • Short description of a rate:
    • Tasks and purposes of the company. Description of business, products and services. Marketing research: clients, competitors, plan of carrying out researches of the market. The business strategy providing company competitiveness. Transactions, plan of operating activities Forecasting of results. Control levers business. Control levers in the field of sale and marketing.
    • The expected results:
      • to perform collection and interpretation of information during the analysis and modeling of objects of professional activity and their components; to disclose essence of system approach; to determine research problems of management systems;
      • to give information, the ideas, problems and the decision, both to specialists, and nonspecialists; to use creative capabilities, perspective thinking, "taste" to research activities;
      • to have such abilities in the field of training which are necessary for continuation of training with high degree of autonomy, and also for performing diagnostics of a management system by the organization (or its subsystems).
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Kose Zh. K.
  • Management of business cоmmunication 2 кредита/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Strategic management, Corporate management
    • Post requisites: Research practice, writing of master's thesis
    • The aim of the course management concepts in the field of management in connection with the change communication, communication models, tools, technologies, methodologies and research methods consulting learning.
    • Tasks of course: Business communication nature, structure and system. Strategic objectives communication management. Structure of management information resources and communication environment. The communication Manager role. Publicrelease theory and practice. Business information-psychological conflict. Benchmarking technology in business. Technology impact. The brand communications.
    • Study results are: the objective of this discipline of training undergraduates in various fields of information interaction, management, adoption of modern methods of analysis of social problems and development, organization, creation of communication studies, the adoption of effective managerial decisions on the basis of obtained results, teaches.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: Doctor Phd of Orynbassarova E.D.
  • Risk management of the organization 2 кредита/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: management, mathematics for economists, the economic theory, microeconomics.
    • Post-requisites: Research practice, master thesis
    • Purpose: forming at undergraduates of necessary practical recommendations for implementation operational and strategic risk management.
    • Short description of a rate: features of business and investing activities in the conditions of uncertainty. Risk as uncertainty manifestation form. system approach to risk analysis in activities of firm. Statistical evaluation methods of risk. Expert evaluation methods of risks. Analysis of technical risks of firm. Analysis of investment risks. Stress testing. Analysis of credit risks. Risk analysis of bankruptcy of the organizations. Foreign experience of a risk management.
    • The expected results: As a result of studying of a rate undergraduates will be able to determine narrowness of communications and dependences of risks of the organization with an accuracy.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: Dr.Econ.Sci., professor Salzhanova Z.A.
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