• Платонус

  • ATTENTION! From January 20, 2021, the official name of the university was changed to "PRIVATE INSTITUTION "KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY OF KAZPOTREBSOYUZ" All contracts concluded before the date of re-registration are valid until the conditions are fully met. Please take into account the change in the name of the university when sending documents to our address.


Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience in psychology

Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience...

Psychologists have been trained in the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz since 2021, and the first graduation took place in 2023. Our first graduates are currently working as psychologists in various fields: healthcare, education,...
International Round Table on the Improvement of Students' Research Work in Universities

International Round Table on the Improvement of Students' Research...

On October 17, 2024, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted a significant event – the International Round Table as part of the implementation of the grant project AP19676691, “Innovative Model for Improving Students' Research Work in Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” The round table...
Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

October 18 is the Day of Spiritual Harmony. The date dates back to 1992, when the first World Congress of Spiritual Harmony took place in Kazakhstan. On the occasion of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, a round table was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the topic: “Problems of secular...
Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Our university hosted the presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program, which opens up new opportunities for talented graduates and professionals. The program provides a unique chance to become a teacher in regional schools of the country."We recruit and select promising graduates/leaders of leading...
The University's Career Center has received international recognition!

The University's Career Center has received international recognit...

The Career Center of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University has become a full member of the Kazakhstan Career Development Association (KazCDA), affiliated with the Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA). The certificate confirms the active participation of the Center in the activities of...
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Challenges

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Ch...

On October 10, 2024, the University held the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Artificial Intelligence and Challenges of the Digital World” in offline and online formats.During the conference, topical issues of using artificial intelligence in various fields were discussed. Participants...

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Marketing (profile direction)


    Faculty of Economics and Management

  • 2021-22 жылғы білім бағдарламасы бойынша оқитын магистранттар контингенті
    Мемлекеттік білім тапсырысы негізінде білім алатын магистранттар
    Магистранты, обучающиеся на платной основе


Training in the educational master program 7М04112 "Marketing" allows you to prepare a specialist with a high level of professional culture, including a culture of professional communication, having a civil position, able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems that can work both individually and in a team. This is achieved as a result of studying such disciplines as "Marketing in the market of goods for industrial and technical purposes", "Applied marketing", "Pricing in a market economy", "Modern theories of communication in marketing", etc. This contributes to the development of competence in obtaining, processing and transfer of marketing information using modern technical means; development of a marketing strategy; conducting complex marketing research; development, organization and implementation of marketing policy; use of modern marketing technologies; the application of international quality standards and international ISO standards, in the implementation of research and teaching activities in the field of vocational training; in the field of solving marketing problems of commercial and non-commercial organizations; in matters of organization, planning and management of marketing activities; in making decisions regarding the commodity, price, distribution and communication marketing strategies.
Graduates of the Master's program in the educational program 7М04112- "Marketing" in the profile preparation as objects of professional activity can choose: bodies of the system of state and administrative management, enterprises, organizations of the state and non-state sector, related to graduates of this direction, the head, specialist and / or consultant higher and middle level of state and local government; manager of the higher and middle management level of enterprises, firms and organizations of various industries and forms of ownership; expert, consultant on governance in the system of state and administrative management, enterprises, organizations, firms of various industries and forms of ownership.
In the profile direction, the graduate is awarded an academic degree - Master of Economics and Business in the specialty "7М04112 - Marketing".
In the profile direction, the term of study is 1 year
Full-time form of education.

Degree of the program:
Master of Economics and Business
on the specialty 7М04112 "Marketing"
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(69 ECTS – 28 credits)
Education alin stitution Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance (IKAQA)
Period of validity This program is approved by the University for a period of 1 years for those who receive a degree from the university in 2016
Level QFдля ЕHEA (Qualification Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2 cycle; ЕQF (European qualification frameworks): level 7; НРК (national qualifications framework): level 7
  • A) Goal
    • The goal of the educational program is the preparation of highly qualified marketing analysts with high qualifications who are able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as marketing and other management technologies in a complex and rapidly changing business environment for work at private and public sector enterprises, consulting companies, and for scientific and teaching activities.
      The graduate of the educational program in the specialty 7М04112 "Marketing" is awarded an academic degree:
      - for profile preparation - Master of Economics and Business in specialty 7М04112 "Marketing".
      Graduates of the specialty 7М04112 "Marketing" can work in the following positions:
      - Head and specialist of marketing services of enterprises, commercial organizations and companies;
      - the manager on group of the goods and trade marks;
      - manager of the sales department;
      - employee in marketing research units, advertising agencies;
      - Marketer-researcher or marketing analyst;
      - Head of Department;
      - marketing director.
  • B) Detail
    • 1.Discipline / Area
    • Main disciplines:
      Foreign language (professional)
      Business strategy of innovative development of the enterprise
      Marketing Management
      Pricing: theory and practice
      Modern theories of communication in marketing
      Marketing in the market of goods for industrial and technical purposes
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • at the profile preparation: bodies of the system of state and administrative management, organizations, firms, corporations, foreign economic activities, regardless of the size or form of ownership, relevant to graduates of this direction;
    • 3.Direction
    • profile
    • 4.Features
    • The spheres of professional activity of graduates are education, science, industry, small and medium business, marketing activities, advertising, research and forecasting, trade, etc.
  • C) Employ mentand further education
    • 1.Employment - Head and specialist of marketing services of enterprises, commercial organizations and companies;
      - the manager on group of the goods and trade marks;
      - manager of the sales department;
      - employee in marketing research units, advertising agencies;
      - Marketer-researcher or marketing analyst;
      - Head of Department;
      - marketing director.
    • 2.Furthertraining
    • Doctorate PhD
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and learning
    • Wide use in the educational process of active and interactive forms of conducting classes (computer simulations, business and role games, case studies, psychological and other trainings) combined with extracurricular work with the goal of forming and developing the professional skills of students.
      The training courses include meetings with representatives of state bodies at the regional level, public organizations, domestic and foreign companies, master classes of experts and specialists.
    • 2.Evalu ationmet hods
    • Oral interrogation, front-line questioning, written check, testing, colloquium, course work protection, boundary control, final control, examinations, production practice, experimental work of the undergraduate, including the performance of the master's thesis, a comprehensive examination, design and defense of the master's thesis
  • E) Soft ware competencies
    • 1.General competences
    • The program meets the requirements of the State Compulsory Standard of Postgraduate Education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of the cycle.
      This includes general competencies (also known as key skills) of expected graduates of the second cycle(http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P1200001080).
    • Competency group

      Code of competence

      Виды ЗУНов и компетенций

      Key (general scientific, social-personal, humanitarian-social, communicative, instrumental) competencies 


      to have an idea of ​​the current trends in the development of scientific knowledge, the current problems of science and technology


      master the basics of theoretical knowledge in the field of marketing management; to assimilate the methodological bases of the analysis of the marketing environment, the features of the marketing tools used at the macro, corporate and micro levels, to change them for the implementation of strategic and operational planning of marketing activities


      through the search, collection, analysis and systematization of marketing information to justify effective management decisions in activities


      bring the information received to professionals and representatives of the professional community


      know at least one foreign language at a professional level, allowing for scientific research and practical activities


      be able to apply scientific methods of cognition in professional activity, critically analyze existing concepts and approaches to the study of processes and phenomena


      be able to integrate the knowledge obtained within different disciplines, use them to solve analytical and management problems in new unfamiliar and complex situations


      independently be able to make changes in the content of marketing activities, as well as monitor and audit marketing activities


      to have the skills of solving standard scientific and professional problems, researching, analyzing and solving practical problems of enterprises and using the results obtained to improve the methods of enterprise management


      have the skills of professional communication, intercultural communication, oratory


      be able to expand and deepen the knowledge necessary for day-to-day professional work and continuing education


      be competent in the methodology of research, modern problems of the world economy, in the organization and management of the enterprise, as well as in the expansion of professional skills

      Special (professional) competences 

      SC 1

      obtaining skills to develop a business strategy for innovative enterprise development. The ability to apply knowledge in practice in the modern conditions of the formation and development of high technology production


      acquisition of competences in the field of science, which include the classification of sciences; basis of the methodology of scientific research


      learn skills in the formation of price strategies on the market


      be ready to develop new ideas and their application, including in the context of experimental research


      own methods of conducting independent research and interpretation of their results, methods of self-statement of problems and finding ways to solve them


      know the solutions of applied problems in the field of pricing


      be able to analyze advanced scientific and technical experience and trends in technology development


      be able to perform experimental research in the relevant field of science and knowledge


      to acquire skills in marketing communications


      To acquire skills in managing advertising and marketing communications in different markets


      acquisition of practical skills in the formation of marketing strategies in the sectors of material production


      acquisition of practical skills for the organization and development of the marketing service of the enterprise


      acquisition of practical skills for the organization and development of applied marketing


      be capable of self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with a variety of humanitarian and natural science knowledge and interests


      be ready to plan and conduct applied research in the relevant professional field


      be able to plan, organize, implement the results of experimental research


      to acquire skills in the use of marketing tools

    • 2.Specific competences
    • must:
      1) have an idea:
      - the role of science and education in public life;
      - on current trends in the development of scientific knowledge;
      - On the actual methodological and philosophical problems of natural (social, humanitarian, economic) sciences;
      - on the professional competence of the teacher of higher education;
      - on the contradictions and socio-economic consequences of the processes of globalization;
      2) know:
      - the methodology of scientific knowledge;
      - principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity;
      - Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process;
      - psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of education;
      3) be able to:
      - use the knowledge gained for the original development and application of ideas in the context of scientific research;
      - Critically analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the analysis of processes and phenomena;
      - to integrate the knowledge received within the framework of different disciplines for solving research problems in new unfamiliar conditions;
      - through the integration of knowledge to make judgments and make decisions based on incomplete or limited information;
      - apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of higher education in their pedagogical activity;
      - apply interactive teaching methods;
      - to carry out information-analytical and information-bibliographic work with the use of modern information technologies;
      - To think creatively and creatively to solve new problems and situations;
      - be fluent in a foreign language at a professional level, allowing research and teaching of special subjects in universities;
      - To summarize the results of research and analytical work in the form of a dissertation, a scientific article, a report, an analytical note, etc .;
      4) have the skills:
      - research activities, solutions to standard scientific problems;
      - realization of educational and pedagogical activity on credit technology of education;
      - methods of teaching professional disciplines;
      - use of modern information technologies in the educational process;
      - professional communication and intercultural communication;
      - oratory, correct and logical formulation of their thoughts in oral and written form;
      - expanding and deepening the knowledge necessary for daily professional work and continuing education in doctoral studies.
      5) be competent:
      - in the field of research methodology;
      - in the field of scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity in higher educational institutions;
      - in the issues of modern educational technologies;
      - in the implementation of scientific projects and research in the professional field;
      in the ways of ensuring the constant updating of knowledge, the expansion of professional skills and abilities.
  • F) Full list of learning outcomes for this program
    • In the context of professional practice, in work in organizations, institutions and companies, graduates can demonstrate the ability to:
      - be able to: adapt the world experience of marketing technologies to the conditions of the domestic market; evaluate the conjuncture in the markets of goods and services; to make weighted management and marketing decisions; analyze and assess the condition and features of the sectoral, regional and international markets; determine the priorities and objectives of marketing activities; adapt to economic and organizational changes; be mobile and adaptive socially, morally, psychologically;
      - to have skills: obtaining, processing and transferring marketing information using modern information technologies; conducting complex marketing research; development of strategies and tactics of marketing activities; use of modern marketing technologies; application of international quality standards and international ISO standards.
  • Name of the discipline: Foreign language (professional)
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the volume of the university course.
    • Post-requisites: mastering a foreign language at the level of international standards B2, as well as LSP - a language for special purposes.
    • Purpose of the course: systemic deepening of communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language skills in the professional work of the future master.
    • Brief description of the course: The organization of the financial industry. Regulation and Deregulation. The times of the Indefinite group. Parts of speech - General overview. Retail banking. Commercial and investment banking. The future of bank branches. Continuous group times. Business correspondence 1 Formal and informal style 1. Group times Perfect, Perfect Continuous. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Loans and credit. Passive voice and passive design. Business correspondence. Modal verbs: may, must, to be to, to, to, should. Accounting. Types of Accounting. Infinitive and infinitive constructions. Features of the infinitive translation. Central banking. Monetary policy. Money and banking. Gerund. Features of translation gerund. Types of banks. Banking system. Communion I, II. Features of translation. Financing international trade. Clarifying Incoterms. Structure of the English sentence. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Meeting 1. Meeting 2 Controlling meetings. Concluding a meeting. Types of offers. Foreign exchange. Foreign exchange markets. Exchange rates. Currency trading. Complex sentences. Types of subordinate clauses. Balance Sheet 1. Time alignment. Balance Sheet 2. Subjunctive mood. Asset management. Regulating the financial sector. Conditional offers. Revision of lexical and grammar material. Indirect speech. Final test.
    • Expected Result:
    • Ability to conduct dialogical and monologic speech in English;
    • Conduct conversations on professional, business and everyday topics;
    • Perceive English-speaking speech by ear (professional terminology);
    • Mastering the skills of business written communication;
    • Reading and translating texts by profession with a dictionary and without a dictionary;
    • Understand the content of the read;
    • Transfer the contents of the read;
    • Use of reference literature (explanatory and other dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias).
    • Full name of lecturer: Professor Aubakirova G.T
  • Name of the discipline: «Management»
    • Prerequisites: "Organization and planning of scientific research", "Mathematical modeling at macro and micro levels".
    • Post-requisites: Master's dissertation
    • Purpose of the course: the formation of a modern system of professional knowledge and skills necessary to effectively solve management problems based on modern marketing principles and methods.
    • Brief description of the course: The current level of economic development is characterized by diversification of production and a constant process of increasing the competitiveness of products and services. Therefore, it is necessary to train highly qualified specialists in the field of marketing who have special thinking that allows them to make decisions on the development of an enterprise (firm) on the basis of deep market research and changing the situation on it. In this regard, the course "Marketing Management" is one of the main and mandatory disciplines and is devoted to an expanded consideration of marketing issues with an emphasis on managing marketing processes and procedures.
    • Expected Result: Master students in the process of studying the discipline must learn the basics of marketing management, master such concepts as goods, prices, sales, communications and be able to analyze them in specific situations in the economy.
  • Name of the discipline: Psychology
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology, culturology.
    • Post-requisites: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose of the course: training of undergraduates in the basics of psychology of higher education, expansion of their professional capabilities in terms of applying psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. The subject, tasks and structure of higher school psychology. Education as a global object of higher school psychology. Psychological foundations of the learning process. Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process. Psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of teaching in modern conditions. Management of the learning process. Learning as a subject of educational activity. Psychological basis of the process of education. The problem of education in higher education. Education and the formation of professional self-awareness. Problems psychodiagnostics professionally-oriented personality. Psychological counseling of students and teachers, taking into account the profile of the future professional activities of a specialist. Psychology of pedagogical communication. Psychology of pedagogical influence. The problem of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students.
    • Expected Result:
    • А) to know the prospects for the development of psychological science and understand the role of psychology in the professional activity of the university teacher;
    • B) to apply in various spheres of professional activity methods of studying characterological features of people and psychological influence on students and student groups;
    • C) to carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of psychological techniques in managing conflicts in the pedagogical process of the university, psychological factors of effectiveness and optimization of the educational process, stimulating the educational and cognitive activities of students, etc. and formulate conclusions on this basis;
    • D) to represent the interpretation of the results of psychological methods of diagnosis, the study of the psychological factors of the educational process and the educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of communication (characteristics, references, projects, mini-studies, etc.).
    • E) the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Kenzhebaeva S.K
  • Name of the discipline: «Marketing-management»
    • Prerequisites: "Organization and planning of scientific research", "Mathematical modeling at macro and micro levels".
    • Post-requisites: Master's dissertation
    • Purpose of the course: the formation of a modern system of professional knowledge and skills necessary to effectively solve management problems based on modern marketing principles and methods.
    • Brief description of the course: The current level of economic development is characterized by diversification of production and a constant process of increasing the competitiveness of products and services. Therefore, it is necessary to train highly qualified specialists in the field of marketing who have special thinking that allows them to make decisions on the development of an enterprise (firm) on the basis of deep market research and changing the situation on it. In this regard, the course "Marketing Management" is one of the main and mandatory disciplines and is devoted to an expanded consideration of marketing issues with an emphasis on managing marketing processes and procedures.
    • Expected Result: Master students in the process of studying the discipline must learn the basics of marketing management, master such concepts as goods, prices, sales, communications and be able to analyze them in specific situations in the economy.
    • Full name of lecturer: Professor Dauletova A.M.
  • Name of the discipline: The business strategy of innovative development of enterprise
    • Prerequisites: «Economic theory», «Microeconomics»
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis.
    • Purpose of the course: the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the business strategy of innovative development of the enterprise.
    • Brief description of the course: Innovation concepts. The life cycle of product innovation. Commercialization of innovative product. Innovation policy for the modern enterprise. Market research-and-technical products. The essence and content of business strategy of innovative development of the enterprise. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the company's business strategy. Features of personnel management innovation of the enterprise. State regulation of innovation activity. Innovative project and program. Development and management. Economic efficiency innovation project. State support of business strategies of innovative enterprises.
    • Expected results: obtaining skills of development of business strategy for innovative development of the enterprise. The ability to apply knowledge in practice in modern conditions of formation and development of knowledge-intensive production.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Sadvakasova Z. M.
  • Name of the discipline: Organization eksperimentalno research
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, Sociology, Higher mathematics, Marketing
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: obtaining skills in the field of organization eksperimentalno research
    • Brief description of the course: Science as a system of ideas about the world and as an institution. The classification of the Sciences. The philosophical basis of the methodology of scientific research. The logic of process research. The levels and methods of scientific research. Methods of collecting empirical information. The methods of theoretical generalizations of empirical information. The planning studies. The stages of the research.
    • Expected results: the acquisition of competences in the field of science, which include the classification of Sciences; the basics of methodology of scientific research.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Ulybyshev D.N.
  • Name of the discipline: Pricing: theory and practice
    • Prerequisites: «Marketing- Management»
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: to study the basic mechanisms of pricing, the methodology of pricing, to determine the relationship of pricing with other elements of marketing policy.
    • Brief description of the course: In conditions of Kazakhstan's transition to a market economy, price as a category of market economy acquires special significance. It becomes an instrument for solving many economic problems, both at the micro and macro levels.
    • Pricing and its relationship with other marketing tools. Analysis of breakeven conditions of price decisions. Discounts as a tool of pricing policy. Investigation of buyers' sensitivity to price levels. Features of pricing for goods for industrial use. Determination of prices for consumer goods.
    • Expected results: Master students should acquire skills in the formation of price strategies on the market.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Dauletova A.M.
  • Name of the discipline: Pricing in a market economy
    • Prerequisites: «Marketing- Management»
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: deepening of knowledge about specificity of pricing activity of the enterprise in the markets.
    • Brief description of the course: Pricing and market characteristics. Essence and prices. Characteristics of basic approaches to price determination. Price functions. Accounting and measurement function. The function of matching demand and supply. The law of supply and demand. Linear and power-law dependence of demand on the price of goods. The stimulating function of prices. Use of incentive function in the pricing policy of the state, region, firm. Price distribution function. Mechanisms for redistribution of newly created value. Function of capital overflow. Objective nature of the functions of prices. Dependence of pricing on the type of market. Pricing in the market of free competition. The essence of adaptive price policy. The elasticity of demand for price is the basis for assessing the reaction of buyers to price changes. Classification of methods of information collection. Factors determining the choice of methods. Methods based on the analysis of actual data on purchases. Price system in the economy Types of prices. Characteristics of prices depending on the stage of commodity circulation: wholesale prices, purchase prices, retail prices. Methods of state price regulation. Objectives and methods of state regulation of prices. Subjects of pricing.
    • Expected results: to impart skills in solving applied problems in the field of pricing.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Dauletova A.M.
  • Name of the discipline: Modern theories of communication in marketing
    • Prerequisites: «Marketing- Management»
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: study of the main directions in the communication policy of the enterprise.
    • Brief description of the course: place of function and role of marketing communications in the system of communication of society, institutional and economic foundations of the activity of mass communication as the leading tool of marketing influence on consumers of goods and services; methodology of analysis, applied technical methods of analysis of modern QMS in terms of organization of texts of advertising, PR and other means of communication with target audiences.
    • Expected results: acquire skills in marketing communications.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
  • Name of the discipline: Management of advertising and marketing communications
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing", "Advertising of goods and services"
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: formation of knowledge and practical skills in the management of advertising and marketing communications
    • Brief description of the course: the theory of integrated marketing communications, the evolution of IMC models, factors, levels and barriers in the integration of marketing communications; goals and objectives of advertising and other means of marketing communications; have conceptual notions about the socio-psychological factors of the impact of marketing communications tools, methods for planning the use of advertising media, planning an advertising campaign, calculating its effectiveness.
    • Expected results: a master student must acquire skills in managing advertising and marketing communications in various markets.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
  • Name of the discipline: Marketing in the market of goods for industrial and technical purposes
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing-management" "Management"
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: study the features of the application of marketing tools, methods and techniques associated with the activities of companies, enterprises and organizations of the sphere of material production.
    • Brief description of the course: Science as a system of ideas about the world and as an institution. Classification of sciences. Philosophical foundations of the methodology of scientific research. The logic of the process of scientific research. Levels and methods of scientific research. Methods for collecting empirical information. Methods of theoretical generalization of empirical information. Research planning. Stages of research.
    • Expected results: acquisition of practical skills in the formation of marketing strategies in the branches of material production.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Nakipova G.E.
  • Name of the discipline: Marketing in the innovation sphere
    • Prerequisites: economic theory, competition
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: formation of knowledge about marketing as a management system in the innovation sphere, as well as the skills of using marketing approaches, methods and solutions for activating the innovative activity of enterprises.
    • Brief description of the course: The role of competition in a market economy. Competitiveness and methods of its achievement. Competitive strategies in the field of large-scale standard production. Competitive advantages of narrow specialization. Competitive start in the sphere of radical innovations. Competitive strategies in the field of small non-specialized business. Economics as a community of competing companies. Features of competitive relations in Kazakhstan.
    • Expected results: acquisition of practical skills for the organization and development of the marketing service of the enterprise
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
  • Name of the discipline: Applied marketing
    • Prerequisites: Marketing
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: a deepening of knowledge about applied marketing on various types of the market.
    • Brief description of the course: Marketing in the consumer market, features of the consumer market, strategic marketing in the consumer market, features of price marketing in the consumer market, commodity and marketing marketing in the consumer market, marketing communications in the consumer market, features and principles of organization of marketing research, marketing of industrial enterprises, marketing of trade organizations , marketing of industrial markets, regional marketing, marketing of large business structures, marketing in ma om business.
    • Expected results: acquisition of practical skills for the organization and development of applied marketing.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
  • Name of the discipline: Marketing activity of the company
    • Prerequisites: Marketing
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: the expansion of the professional knowledge of undergraduates necessary to develop the concept of marketing and the successful sale of goods, services, social values and ideas.
    • Brief description of the course: Marketing as an effective form of organization of the company 's production and marketing activities. Marketing management, areas and conditions for applying marketing in the social sphere, marketing of non-profit organizations, marketing ideas. The role of the state in the creation and development of the national marketing system, marketing planning, product and program analysis as a basis for decision-making. Analysis of product life cycle, price policy, objective components of price-quality ratio. Tovarodvizhenie. Functions performed by the channels of commodity circulation. Communication policy of the firm. Planning of marketing activities. Organization and control of marketing.
    • Expected results: Master students should acquire skills in using marketing tools.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
Электронный университет
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