• Платонус

  • ATTENTION! From January 20, 2021, the official name of the university was changed to "PRIVATE INSTITUTION "KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY OF KAZPOTREBSOYUZ" All contracts concluded before the date of re-registration are valid until the conditions are fully met. Please take into account the change in the name of the university when sending documents to our address.


Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience in psychology

Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience...

Psychologists have been trained in the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz since 2021, and the first graduation took place in 2023. Our first graduates are currently working as psychologists in various fields: healthcare, education,...
International Round Table on the Improvement of Students' Research Work in Universities

International Round Table on the Improvement of Students' Research...

On October 17, 2024, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted a significant event – the International Round Table as part of the implementation of the grant project AP19676691, “Innovative Model for Improving Students' Research Work in Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” The round table...
Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

October 18 is the Day of Spiritual Harmony. The date dates back to 1992, when the first World Congress of Spiritual Harmony took place in Kazakhstan. On the occasion of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, a round table was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the topic: “Problems of secular...
Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Our university hosted the presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program, which opens up new opportunities for talented graduates and professionals. The program provides a unique chance to become a teacher in regional schools of the country."We recruit and select promising graduates/leaders of leading...
The University's Career Center has received international recognition!

The University's Career Center has received international recognit...

The Career Center of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University has become a full member of the Kazakhstan Career Development Association (KazCDA), affiliated with the Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA). The certificate confirms the active participation of the Center in the activities of...
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Challenges

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Ch...

On October 10, 2024, the University held the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Artificial Intelligence and Challenges of the Digital World” in offline and online formats.During the conference, topical issues of using artificial intelligence in various fields were discussed. Participants...

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    State and local Management (scientific and pedagogical direction)


    Social sciences, economy and business
  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

The educational program "Management of regional development" in the specialty 7М04103 "The public and local administration" is directed to training of the research and educational personnel capable to conduct scientific research in spheres of the public and local administration and education and to apply them in the course of professional activity.
The contents of the educational program assume studying of such disciplines as "The theory and practice of public administration", "State regulation of the real sector of economy", "Institutional bases of administrative activity", "Economy of the public sector", Bases of the organization of local government", "Regional institutes of development and PPP", etc. It allows to gain competences in: to development and implementation of programs of social and economic development at the level of regions and the country in general, formation of organizational, industry and interindustry structures, carrying out monitoring of efficiency of activity and the made management decisions in implementation of the administrative analysis, in the field of social and economic policy of the state, economy and management of firms and corporations on the basis of the operating regulatory framework.
Graduates of a magistracy of OP "Management of Regional Development" of specialty 7М04103 "Public and local administration" can carry out the following types of professional activity: heads various structural divisions of the public and local administration, in particular in the device and Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the office of Parliament of RK and the Government of RK; local executive bodies, companies; teachers in higher educational institutions; the research associate at research institutes, and others.
Graduate is awarded an degree:
- on the scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Economic Sciences in the specialty "7М04103 - State and Local Administration";
Training period:
on scientific and pedagogical direction - 2 years.
Full-time form of education.

The degree program: Master student of Economic Sciences in specialty 7М04103 "State and local management" Educational program: "Management of regional development"
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(131 ECTS – credits/ 59 Kazakhstan credits)
Education alin stitution Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance (IKAQA)
Period of validity This program was approved by the University for a period of 2 years for those who is receiving a degree at the University from 2016
Level QF for EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2nd cycle; EQF (European qualifications framework): level 7; NQF (National Qualifications Framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program of the specialty 7М04103 "State and local government" is the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel who are able to conduct research in the fields of state and local government and education and apply them in the process of professional activity
      Successful graduates must demonstrate:
      - demonstrate educational knowledge and understanding that obtained at the level of higher education, which are the basis or the possibility for the original of development or application of ideas, often in the context of scientific research;
      - apply knowledge, understanding and ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar situations and contexts within broader (or multidisciplinary) areas related to state and local government;
      - integrate knowledge, deal with the complexities and make judgments based on incomplete or limited information, taking into account ethical and social responsibility for the application of these judgments and knowledge;
      - clearly communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale of the system of state and local government;
      - continue learning by yourself.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/Subject area
    • Main disciplines: Theory and Practice of Public Administration.
      Basic disciplines: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education,
      Academic writing, Regional Development Institutions and PPP
      Majors: Institutional bases of management,
      Public Sector Economics, State Regulation of the Real Sector of the Economy, Digital Technologies in Management, Basics of Local Government Organization, Housing and Public Utilities Management
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • In order to implement the educational program specialty "State and local management" is used credit-modular system of educational process organization, based on a modular principle of curricula, using a system of credits and relevant education-enforcement technologies.
    • 3.Direction
    • The scientific and pedagogical
    • 4.Features
    • Graduates of specialty 7М04103 "State and local management" focused on the following types of professional activities: scientific research, socio-economical, managerial, expert-analytical, experimental research, scientific and pedagogical, economic and organizational, organizational and technological activities.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • In higher educational institutions; in research activities; in the expert institutions
    • 2.Further education
    • PhD
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process is widely used active and interactive forms of conducting classes (case studies on state and local government, round table discussion, case projects, brainstorming, debates).
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • Frontier control; intermediate certification (testing); reports protection on the research work of a student, the passage of teaching and research practices; scientific training (report), final examination (state examination, master's thesis protection)
  • E) Programmatic competencies
    • 1.General competencies
      The program is complies with the requirements of the State educational standards of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of cycle.
      This includes the general competencies (also known as key skills) of expected graduates of the second cycle.
      The competencies listed beloware the summaryand the most characteristic competencies for this program:
      GC1 - to possess the methodology of scientific research, the basics of psychological and pedagogical activity and in-depth communication skills in terms of foreign language education for self-realization in the professional field;
      GC2 - to carry out research and professional-pedagogical activities using modern educational technologies, academic literacy and management skills at the regional level
    • 2.Specific competencies
    • PC 1– Own the methodology of the modern public administration system for the implementation of scientific research in the field of public sector economics, city economics, and the labor market;
      PC 2 - Make management decisions at the macro and meso-levels based on the use of digital technologies for the effective implementation of state and regional programs;
      PC 3 - To be competent in the field of scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity in the context of rapid updating and growth of information flows, university training specialists, the examination of scientific projects and research;
      PC 4 - Integrate knowledge in the field of state and local government for the expansion of professional skills
  • F) A complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of professional practice in organizations, institutions and companies, graduates are able to demonstrate the ability of the following:
      be competent: in the field of research methodology; in the field of scientific and pedagogical activity in higher education institutions; in matters of modern educational technologies; in the implementation of research projects and studies in the professional field; to how to ensure continuous updating of knowledge and the expansion of professional skills and abilities.
  • History and philosophy of science 2 credits /3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, political science, culturology.
    • Post requisites: Fundamentals of professional pedagogical communication, pedagogy of higher education, psychology.
    • History and philosophy of science forming the ability of theoretical and methodological thinking and analysis, the high morality and ethical responsibility of the scientist, its culture, because behind all philosophical constructions there is an ethical idea. Studying the history and philosophy of science is not only an introduction to philosophical culture; it is a condition for the development of the capacity for reflection and hermeneutic activity.
    • The goal of teaching the discipline is the formation of a philosophical and methodological culture, the ability of theoretical thinking and analysis, high morality and culture, the development of analytical skills and research skills.
    • Course Objectives:
      • to determine the place of science in culture and to show the main points of philosophical understanding of science in the socio-cultural aspect;
      • to give an idea of the evolution of science as an independent type of spiritual activity, to reveal the main periods in the development of science;
      • to describe science as a social institution; to discuss the issue of norms and values of the scientific community;
      • to uncover questions related to the discussion of the nature of scientific knowledge and the problem of ideals and the criteria for scientific knowledge;
      • to present the structure of scientific knowledge and describe its basic elements;
      • to give an idea of scientific rationality;
      • to acquaint with modern methodological concepts in the field of philosophy of science;
      • to show the specifics and grounds for stating the problem of the development of science in the twentieth century, to present the basic strategies for describing the development of science.
    • The master must know: the history of the formation of the world's philosophical theoretical thought, the features of the basic philosophical concepts, in order to understand that philosophy is a special form of reflection,
    • first, with a critical position,
    • secondly, with the construction of general schemes of ontology in universal and normative forms,
    • thirdly, with the creation of conditions for understanding, explaining and seeing the world.
    • Full name of the lecturer: k.f.s., Professor Klishina M.V.
  • «Foreign language (professional)» 2 credits //3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: foreign language
    • Post-requisites: Organization and planning of scientific research, Managerial Economics
    • One of the priorities of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the modernization of the education system, designed to train highly qualified specialists of the new formation, able to keep pace with the times and succeed in their activities.
    • The teaching of foreign languages ​​in a master's degree in a non-linguistic university of a profile, direction, should be aimed at mastering the future masters of the language for professional and academic purposes at an advanced level, which will allow them to freely operate the scientific and conceptual apparatus of the specialty, expand the scientific and information base, master the skills of interpreting scientific information , argumentation, persuasion, scientific controversy, academic writing.
    • The purpose of teaching discipline is to systematically deepen communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language proficiency in the future Master's professional activity.
    • Course Objectives:
      • to improve the skills of oral communication in a foreign language on the basis of developing skills in argumentation and polemics within the framework of general scientific and scientific and professional issues;
      • to study of the linguistic characteristics of official-business and scientific functional styles in the field of specialist training;
      • further improvement of listening skills on the basis of professionally-oriented content.
    • The foreign language course in the Master's program meets the requirements of continuity and is one of the links of the three-level higher education. This typical program is aimed at continuing the study of a foreign language, improving the base created in the previous stage, and, thus, is closely related to the discipline "Foreign Language" in the bachelor's degree. In addition, the teaching of a foreign language is based on the linguistic experience of undergraduates acquired in the course of studying the Kazakh / Russian language course, as well as the knowledge and skills of undergraduates in the specialty.
    • A master student should know:
      • Functional-stylistic characteristics of the presentation of the material in the foreign language being studied;
      • general scientific terminology of the relevant specialty in a foreign language;
    • basis of business correspondence in the framework of international cooperation.
    • Full name of the lecturer: k.f.s., Professor Aubakirova G.T.
  • Psychology 2 credits //3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Psychology
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline: the training of undergraduates the basics of psychology of higher education, the expansion of their professional capabilities in terms of the application of psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • The tasks of studying the discipline:
    • To reveal the psychological and pedagogical essence of the educational process in higher education.
    • Give graduate students a holistic view of the most significant theoretical concepts, empirical studies and basic applications of general, social, age and pedagogical psychology in relation to the course "Psychology".
    • To consider the main trends in the development of higher education at the present stage.
    • Develop psychological and pedagogical thinking of undergraduates.
    • Course Prerequisites: the study of the course "Psychology" is based on the knowledge gained in the previous bachelor disciplines: philosophy, sociology, culturology.
    • Course post requisites: all subsequent humanitarian disciplines, which are a practical area for applying psychological knowledge and expanding the possibilities for professional training of a specialist: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Full name of the lecturer: k.p.s, ass.professor Kenzhebayeva S.K.
  • Pedagogy 2 credits //3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology", "History of Philosophy and Science".
    • Postrequisites: "Methodology of teaching special disciplines."
    • The purpose of teaching the course "Pedagogy" is to know the fundamentals of the professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher of higher education, to familiarize future teachers with the general problems, the methodological and theoretical foundations of high school pedagogy, modern technologies of analysis, planning and organization of teaching and upbringing, communication technologies of subject-subject interaction between the teacher and student in the educational process of the university.
    • Tasks:
      • to form representations about actual problems of higher education and pedagogical science;
      • to form ideas about the essence of pedagogical activity;
      • to form an idea of ​​yourself as a subject of professional activity and to master the way of self-determination and analysis of one's own professional activity;
      • to form the skills of pedagogical activity;
      • to form the skills of organization and management of students' activities;
      • improve the skills of scientific research;
      • improve the skills of professional thinking.
    • Full name of the lecturer: d.p.s, professor Mulikova S.A.
  • State and local Management 2 credits //3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: State and local Management.
    • The theory and practice of state building in the Republic of Kazakhstan poses a number of new problems in the field of the formation and functioning of the system of public administration, since its facilities are quite dynamic due to the large-scale introduction of market mechanisms in the economy of the country. It is important to develop such a mechanism of governance and legal regulation that would facilitate the implementation of the strategic objectives of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a democratic, secular, socially-oriented state.
    • The aim of the course is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of public administration.
    • In accordance with this goal, the following tasks are set:
    • have:
      • a holistic view of the state as a subject of management in a market economy;
      • a comprehensive view of the public administration system and understand the essence of its components: process, goals, functions, principles, methods, bodies, public service personnel;
      • An idea of ​​the nature of public administration as a type of professional activity for determining the similarities and differences between state and other types of management;
    • know:
      • principles, mechanism, specificity of using the main tools for implementing state economic policy at different levels of government;
    • be able to:
      • Understand the structure of the management system at all levels;
    • own:
      • practical skills of working in public authorities.
    • To improve the effectiveness of this course, graduate students need to know the content of the following disciplines: "Management", "Theory of Public Administration", "State Regulation of Economics", "English Language", "Fundamentals of Law". The study of these disciplines is the basis for an in-depth study of the theoretical and practical aspects of public administration that will allow specialists to make effective state decisions.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Professor Zhetpisbayeva M.K.
  • Organization and planning of scientific research 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: History and Philosophy of Science, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics
    • Post-requisites: Methodology of teaching special disciplines, innovative research methods in management
    • Purpose: to study the basic concepts, methods and stages of research work.
    • Short course description: formation of a complex of knowledge about the essence, role, function of science and scientific research and their interrelation with the main stages of research activity.
    • Theoretical ideas about science will be revealed as a constantly developing system of ideas about the world, and as a necessary institution of social development. Within the framework of this course, knowledge of the essence and content, methodology and logical foundations of scientific research will be presented. Also, the basic methods of scientific research, necessary preparations for the preparatory stage of research work, such as the collection of scientific information and planning of research will be studied. In general, this course is aimed at a comprehensive study of general theoretical and practical issues of the organization and management of research work.
    • Expected results: In studying this course, the master student will know the basic concepts, methods and stages of scientific research, in accordance with the latest requirements for scientific and innovative activities. The acquired knowledge in the course of this course will also allow the undergraduate to follow the logical sequence of the research and to solve the correctly set goal and tasks of the study in a comprehensive manner.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., associate professor Ulybyshev D.N.
  • Science in the National Economy of Kazakhstan 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Macroeconomics, State regulation of the economy
    • Post-requisites: Research practice, work on master's thesis
    • Purpose: to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development and development of the knowledge-intensive sector of modern economy as a factor in the formation of the system of science and technology-production and commercialization of innovation and technology.
    • Brief description of the course: The science of Kazakhstan is viewed as a sphere of the economy characterized by high specific costs for research and development, and facilitating the implementation of fundamental and applied research, development, production and commercialization of domestic science-intensive technologies. Monitoring or surveying the knowledge-intensive sector that is developing in Kazakhstan is a priority task, since it is precisely on this that the question of including Kazakhstan in the world system of producers of high-tech products and about taking a worthy place in it depends.
    • The growth of knowledge-intensive markets within the globalization process of the world economy is due to the redistribution of financial, material and labor resources from other markets. Therefore, firms operating in the high-tech sector, on the one hand, take advantage of this process, and on the other hand, their activity accelerates it. A detailed study of the knowledge-intensive sector of the economy assumes a schematic representation of the actors and connections within its framework.
    • Expected results: obtaining skills of abstract thinking, knowledge of the essence of the subjects of the high technology sector, the concept of science in modern conditions. The opportunity to apply knowledge in practice in the current conditions of the formation and development of knowledge-intensive production.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., associate professor Ulybyshev D.N.
  • Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy, Psychology
    • Post-requisites: Pedagogical practice
    • The purpose of the academic discipline is to form competencies in the planning, development and organization of the educational process in the university.
    • Brief description of the course: The course is presented in four sections: Priorities for reform and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan; Content and forms of methodical work of the university teacher; Forms of organization of training of students in higher education; Methods and means of training in the university; Modern technologies of teaching in higher education.
    • Expected result: acquisition of competences in the field of development of pedagogical science and professional activity of the university teacher, to understand the essence of technological education; to apply in the professional activity the methods of instruction adequate to the goals and content of the academic discipline, effective pedagogical technologies for training specialists; to carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of methods, means, forms and technologies of education in the university, reflecting the training sessions conducted and formulating conclusions on this basis; to represent the interpretation of positive pedagogical experience, teaching materials and the results of the student's educational and cognitive activities in various forms of communication (references, reports, expert opinions, mini-studies, etc.).
    • Full name lecturer: p.s.k., associate professor Kenzhebayeva S.K.
  • Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication 3 credits //5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy, Psychology
    • Post-requisites: Pedagogical practice
    • The goal: the formation of professionally significant qualities of undergraduates in the process of learning the basics of professional and pedagogical communication, arming them with the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the discipline. The main approaches to the description of personality, interpersonal relations, conflicts.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • The historical aspect of the development of communication in folk pedagogy. Communication and folk wisdom. Analysis of the problem of communication in the domestic pedagogy. The development of communication problems abroad. Analysis of the problem of communication in the domestic pedagogy. Innovative teachers about pedagogical communication. The objectives of professional and pedagogical communication. Functions of professional and pedagogical communication. The content of professional and pedagogical communication. Means of professional and pedagogical communication. The structure of professional and pedagogical communication. Features styles of pedagogical leadership.
    • Psychological climate of communication. Psychological barriers to communication. Communication in conflict situations.
    • Expected result: the undergraduate must: show deep knowledge of the content of the activities of the teacher in an educational institution, according to the method of organizing the independent activities of students; know the method of organizing the educational process in an educational institution; be able to correctly assess the trends in the development of modern pedagogy and the practice of education.
    • Full name lecturer: p.s.d., associate professor Minzhanov N.A.
  • Academic Writing 3 credits //5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Profession-oriented foreign language.
    • Post-requisites: Managerial economics in the system of regional development, work on the master's thesis.
    • The goal developing undergraduates the skills of structured presentation of their own ideas, the ability to create scientific and scientific-informational texts of various types, taking into account the specifics of academic discourse. Development of the ability to generate your own thoughts and build your own arguments, organizing all this in extremely accurate and clear textual form.
    • Short course description: Concepts and models of academic writing. Scientific text and academic writing. Publicity and communication. Culture, structure and literature: the boundaries of the scientific and unscientific. Writing as a process, product and practice. The integrity of the academic text. Models and principles of writing. Academic literacy and letter evaluation criteria. The feasibility of assessing the letter. Technology organization of the process of writing and generating ideas. The organization of the writing process.
    • Technology generation and organization of ideas. Text as an intellectual action. Academic text as a system. The organization of the whole text. Practice of nonlinear text organization: from method to technology. Logical and syntactic problems of academic and scientific text.
    • Expected results: undergraduates will be:
    • formulate a thesis and build a text from hypothesis to conclusions; - critically evaluate, select, summarize and use information from various sources; - impartially, objectively and reasonably pursue their own line of evidence based on logic and facts, avoiding various types of plagiarism; - use different types of logical order and argumentation methods; - write syntactically consistent and logically connected text; - Express your thoughts in a clear and precise language;
    • be able to - use modern methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages; logically organize the text and organize its elements; - use different models and technologies of academic writing in the work on the text; - interact with the reader, understand and respect someone else's point of view; - to put forward and substantiate their own hypothesis, formulate a thesis and build a text from hypothesis to conclusions; - critically evaluate, select, summarize and use information from various sources; - impartially, objectively and reasonably pursue their own line of evidence based on logic and facts, avoiding various types of plagiarism; - use different types of logical order and argumentation methods; - write syntactically consistent and logically connected text; - Express your thoughts in a clear and precise language;
    • to own - technologies of generation of own ideas; - skills for constructing text based on models; - Paraphrase and quoting skills; - skills to build a coherent and coherent text; - skills to use the criteria for the evaluation of the academic text in the application to his and others' text; - the skills of correcting complex syntax and logical errors.
    • Full name lecturer: Candidate of Philology, Professor G. Aubakirova
  • Академический стиль в письме 3 кредита/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Profession-oriented foreign language.
    • Post-requisites: Managerial economics in the system of regional development, work on the master's thesis.
    • The purpose: the study of the specifics, typology and types of academic style in the letter; review of effective communication technologies, including in the academic community; the study of the principles and techniques of creating a scientific text in a number of its main modifications; study of the rules for the construction of scientific texts of various genres and sub-styles (actually scientific, scientific and educational, popular science, etc.; providing undergraduates with practical skills to create and edit a scientific text for publication; the development of the features of the academic tradition in a certain field of scientific activity in accordance with the profile of the training of a student.
    • Brief course description: Features of scientific communication. Academic writing and academic community. The problem of plagiarism and quoting. Culture of written scientific speech (scientific style and its substrates). Consistency and consistency. Dialogue and intertextuality. Hypothesis. Rational explanation. Analogy.
    • Pseudo-reasoning. Features of the use of the description and narration. The main components of a scientific article. Speech forms in a scientific text.
    • Expected result: As a result of mastering the course of academic writing, undergraduates will:
    • Know:
      • features of presenting the results of scientific activities in oral and written form when working in Russian and international research teams;
      • methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages;
      • stylistic features of presenting the results of scientific activities in oral and written form in the state and foreign languages;
      • regulatory documents for the preparation of applications, grants, research projects;
      • content requirements and rules for manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals;
    • Be able to:
      • follow the standards adopted in scientific communication when working in Russian and
    • international research teams to solve scientific and scientific-educational problems;
      • follow the basic standards adopted in scientific communication in the state and foreign languages;
      • present scientific results on the topic of the dissertation in the form of
    • publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals;
      • present the results of research (including dissertations) to the academic and business community;
    • Own:
      • skills in analyzing major world outlook and methodological problems, incl. interdisciplinary nature, arising when working on solving scientific and scientific-educational problems in Russian or international research teams;
      • various types of communications in the implementation of work in Russian and international teams to solve scientific and scientific-educational tasks;
      • skills of analyzing scientific texts in the state and foreign languages;
      • skills of critical evaluation of the effectiveness of various methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages.
    • Full name lecturer: Candidate of Philology, Professor G. Aubakirova
  • Regional Development Institutes and PPP 3 credits /5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Macroeconomics, Management, Theory of the state governance, State and business.
    • Post-requisites: State regulation of the real economy. Practical practice. Work on the master dissertation.
    • Purpose: To introduce graduate students the role of regional development institutions as a subject of partnership and explain their role in the implementation of public-private partnership projects.
    • Brief description of course: The essence of regional development institutions as a subject of partnership relations. Regional development institutes. The concept of public-private partnership. Legal regulation of public-private partnership in regions. Public-Private Partnership Mechanism. Public-private partnership projects as a mechanism for the implementation of the regional innovation system.
    • Expected outcomes: During this course the undergraduates should be aware of the essence of regional development institutions as a subject of partnership and have the ability to analyze public-private partnership projects.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.d., professor Taubayev A.A.
  • Fundamentals of management in the state enterprise 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Macroeconomics, Management, Public Administration Theory, State and Business
    • Post-requisites: State regulation of the real sector of the economy, research experience, work with master's thesis.
    • Purpose: to study the management of different sectors of the economy in the system of public enterprise, managed in various branches of economy.
    • Brief description of the course: Formation of theoretical knowledge complex on management of the state enterprise system and the peculiarities of its development taking into account the existing situation in the organization and implementation of entrepreneurial activity in the national economic system. This course focuses on a comprehensive study of general theoretical principles of governance in the public enterprise system.
    • Expected outcomes: During this course the undergraduate will know the stages of transformation of the national model of state assets management in the Republic of Kazakhstan to the nature and content of the state enterprises. The knowledge acquired during the course course will also allow the undergraduate to comply with the logical sequence of the study and to address the correct goals and objectives of a comprehensive public enterprise system.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.d., professor Taubayev A.A.
  • Институциональные основы управленческой деятельности 3 credits /5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic Theory, Theory and Practice of State Administration, Macroeconomics, State Regulatoryization of Economies.
    • Post-requisites: State regulating the real sector of the economy, the organization of the organization of the local self - governance. Experimental Practice, Work on Master 's Dissertation.
    • The goal: to formulate the basic principles of social and economic relations, the role of the norms of society and individual economic norms, social and economic institutions as social and economic systems.
    • Brief description of the course: Undergraduate students study the institutional framework of neoclassical economics, institutional theory: "old" and "new" institutionalism rationality as the norm, theorem, coefficient and transactional impulse, change of institutes in time: evolution and revolution, the effect of historical development, theory firm: institutional variant , the type of contracts and arrangements for the organization of the market.
    • Expected results: Undergraduate students earn the undergraduate degree in institutional economics and their economical space; the study of the theory of evolution in ancient institutionalism, new institutionalism and neo - institutionalism; development of institutional representation in the economy; the acquisition of basic principles of institutional economy on the basis of the classical theory of institutes;
    • Formation of representation in the institutes, as well as the fundamental forms of social and economic organization of the society; the acquisition of a transac - tion in the category of competitive advantages of the firm in the modern economy space; contributing to the development of contracts and contracts, as well as the expansion of existing contracts.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.d., professor Pritvorova T.P.
  • Labor market in the post-industrial economy: patterns, institutions, regulatory mechanisms 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, Macroeconomics, State regulation of the economy
    • Post-requisites: Research practice, work on master's thesis
    • The goal: the formation of a system of initial ideas about the laws of development of the labor market in the postindustrial economy, the institutions and methods of state regulation formed in it, which do not undermine the essence of the market economy.
    • Brief description of the course: In this course, graduate students study the structure of the labor market and employment in post-industrial and industrial countries, conditioned by the laws of economic development; Institutes of the labor market and their opportunities in regulating the relations of employers and employees; standard and non-standard employment in the post-industrial economy, its main forms, prerequisites and categorical composition of employees; approaches to measuring the effectiveness of public employment promotion programs; discriminatory segments of the labor market and possible measures for their regulation; the phenomenon of self-employment, its structure and forms in the industrial and post-industrial economy; Outsourcing and outstaffing of the workforce.
    • Expected results: In studying this discipline, the master student gets an idea of ​​the patterns of development of the postindustrial labor market, international organizations regulating the labor market; assessment of Kazakhstan's labor market institutions in comparison with OECD countries; forms the skills of using the OECD statistical databases on the labor market and a qualified assessment of state employment programs; master the practice of a blitz-survey on the types of precarious work in the Kazakhstan labor market.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.d., professor Pritvorova T.P.
  • Economics of the public sector 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic Theory, Finance, Taxation and Taxation, State Regulatoryization of Economies.
    • Post-requisites:
    • State Regulatory Reforms in Real Economy, Implementation Practice, Work on Master 's Dissertation.
    • Purpose: It is a complex representation of the economic sector of the social sector, the emerging markets, the state of a state of a state of the economy in the economic conditions of dominating market relations.
    • Brief description of the course: Public sector and public goods. Redistribution and efficiency. Public choice: collective decision-making. Incomes of the state. Moving the tax burden. Excessive tax burden. Optimal taxation. Expenses of the state. Formation and production of goods and services in the public sector. Evaluation of the effectiveness of public expenditure. Budget federalism.
    • Expected Result: The master should be able to use general provisions of the microeconomic theory to investigate the range of problems associated with the economic activity of the state, including: analysis of imperfections in the market and the state, the impact of public revenues and expenditures on the allocation of resources, the distribution and redistribution of income, the assessment of the effectiveness of economic activities of the state consequences of various fiscal policy measures.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., professor Zhetpisbayeva M.K.
  • City Economy 3 кредита/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Finance, Management, Marketing, Territory marketing, State regulation of economy, Municipal management, Regional economy and management.
    • Post-requisites: Managerial economy in the system of regional development, housing and communal services management.  
    • The purpose:
    • to give a comprehensive presentation in the field of the city's economy, studying the formation of the local budget, housing and public utilities, features of communal property management, features of monitoring and evaluation of regional programs.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • to give a comprehensive presentation in the field of the city's economy, studying the formation of the local budget, housing and public utilities, features of communal property management, features of monitoring and evaluation of regional programs.
    • Expected results:
    • the magistrate should know the basic concepts of the city’s economy as a science; be able to analyze data characterizing the development of urban infrastructure; have the skills to work with regulations in the field of development of infrastructure systems of the city.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., ass.professor Zhanbekova Z.H.
  • State regulation of the real sector of the economy 3 credits //5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic Theory, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Management.
    • Post-requisites: knowledge of this discipline is necessary for the research practice of a master student, work on a master's thesis.
    • The purpose: to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the public real sector of the economy. The course content includes the most important theoretical and methodological issues of state regulation of the real sector of the economy, as well as the results of their practical implementation.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • In this course, undergraduates receive knowledge of the goals and objectives of government regulation in the conditions of market formation, state regulation objects, its subjects, the essence of economic categories of government intervention, the tools and methods used in analyzing the efficiency of the state’s economy, the directions of economic policymaking countries in macroeconomic management and planning,
    • formation of the mechanism of formation of the innovation, investment sectors of the national economy, forms of regulation of the social and labor sphere, use information technology to solve various research and administrative tasks.
    • Expected results:
    • In studying this discipline, the undergraduate develops the ability to analyze, organize and plan in the field of state regulation of the economy, verify and structure information obtained from various sources, understand current trends in the development of political processes in the world, the global economy and globalization, orient in international competition ability to project activities in the professional field based on a systematic approach, the ability to build and use models to describe and predict various phenomena, to carry out their qualitative and quantitative analysis, etc.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., ass.professor Baygurenova M.A.
  • Regional investment-innovation policy 3 credits //5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Macroeconomics, State Regulatoryization of Economy, Regional Economics and Management, State Regulatory Improvement Initiatives.
    • Post-requisites: Experimental Practice, Work on Master 's Dissertation
    • The purpose: The training course is aimed at developing the state-of-the-art organs and local self-government bodies, promoting investment and innovation programs, and implementing them on different levels of economic systems.
    • Brief description of the course: Concept of Business Planning for Innovative Projects. Sustainability and organization of business planning. Methods and Techniques of Planning for Innovation. Business plan for innovative projects. Innovative solutions in business planning for innovative projects in the region. Prognostication of innovative projects. Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of innovative projects realized in the regional level.
    • Business calendar for business planning, innovative projects. Governance with risks and advances in innovation projects. Business planning in the field of innovation projects.
    • Expected results: In the result, the Master 's degree must be based on the fundamental principles of economical processes that are inexpedient for innovation decisions; to estimate the optimal allocation of resources within the competitive areas of competition as private, as well as in economics in the state sector; to take advantage of the basic types of solutions, which will allow the manager to define deficit of deficit resources, cost policy and production companies, as well as to apply the results of the decision-making relationship between the business structures and the business.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., ass.professor Baigurenova M.A.
  • Fundamentals and organization of the local self-governance 3 credits //5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Municipal Management, Theory of Public Administration.
    • Post-requisites: research practice of a master student, work on a master's thesis
    • Purpose: to study local government systems, to generalize theoretical knowledge and practical world experience about tasks, functions, methods and organizational forms of management at the local level, to develop clear knowledge in the field of local self-government, to develop management skills in local self-government.
    • Brief description of the course: Government structure and regional management. Regions in unitary states. Subjects of the federation and other regional entities in federal states. Regionalized states (states of autonomies). Local government: the foundations of status. Local government and self-government systems. Powers and structure of elected bodies of self-government. Interaction of state and local government bodies. British system of local government. The American system. Romanesque system. The German system. The Scandinavian system. Local government of Japan. System of local government in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Expected results: As a result of mastering the content of the discipline "Organization of local self-government", the master student should know the modern scientific and practical views on the activity of the local self-government system, the principles and methods of organizing its basic elements in specific conditions of social and economic development of the society; be able to apply methods of organization and management of local authorities, use categories, concepts and terms of local government, their classification; have the ability to analyze, organize and plan in the field of local government; know the culture of thinking, know its general laws, master the skills of public speech, argumentation, discussion and polemics; have the skills of independent work to identify the peculiarities of our state's policy at the present stage.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Mussatayeva A.A.Full name lecturer: PhD Mussatayeva A.A.
    • Теория местного самоуправления 3 credits //5 ECTS
  • Theory of Local Self-Government 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theory and practice of public administration, Municipal management
    • Post-requisites: research practice of a master student, work on a master's thesis
    • The goal: to form a systematic understanding of local self-government among graduate students as one of the mandatory elements of the system of power and government in the state; to develop and consolidate the skills of applying the theory of local self-government for the purposes of municipal government.
    • Short description of the course: The concept of local government. Principles of local government. Basic theories of local government. Principles of legal regulation of local self-government depending on the legal systems of states. Local government in foreign countries. Territorial arrangement of local authority. Competence of local government. Organizational forms of local self-government. The combination of representative and immediate democracy. Relations between local, regional and national authorities. State support of local self-government. Forms and ways to control the activities of local governments from the central authorities. Resources of local government. Municipal property. Local budget. Basic rights of local self-government. Associations, commercial and non-profit intermunicipal organizations. Guarantees of local government. Responsibility of bodies and officials of local self-government.
    • Expected results: As a result of mastering the content of the discipline "Theory of Local Government", the master student must know the essence and content of local government, its specific features, the basic theories of local government; be able to understand the essence of local government as a form of the people exercising their power; freely understand issues and problems of local self-government; freely navigate in the scientific and research literature on these issues; master the basic categories; skills to exercise their right to exercise local self-government.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., professor Gimranova G.I.
  • Digital technologies in management 2 credits /3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Informatics, Management
    • Post-requisites: Understanding Disciplines in Learning Disciplines for Master 's Degree Studies, Work on Master' s Dissertation.
    • Purpose: to study modern information technologies
    • Brief description of the course: Conceptual bases of information technologies in management. State management and information technologies. Foreign experience of application of information technologies in management activities. Improvement of information technologies and their impact on improving the efficiency of the public sector.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., professor Omarova Sh.E.
  • Digital technologies in economy 2 redits/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Informatics, Management
    • Post-requisites: Understanding Disciplines in Learning Disciplines for Master 's Degree Studies, Work on Master' s Dissertation.
    • Purpose: to study the theoretical and practical foundations of building information systems, their use in various fields of activity.
    • Brief description of the course: Economic Information Systems. review of EIS resources. New information technologies in the economy. Computer networks. Business information environment. Protection of information in the EIS. EIS management. Information systems of marketing. Accounting information systems. Banking information systems. Tax information systems. EIS of financial management. Corporate information systems.
    • Expected results: the master student must master the fundamentals of the construction and functioning of the EIS, and be able to use them in various sectors of the economy.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., professor Omarova Sh.E.
  • Managerial economics in the system of regional development 3 сredits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites:
    • Economics of the public sector, The theory and practice of the state control, Institutional economy.
    • Post-requisites:
    • State Regulatory Realization of the Real Economy, Organization of Managerial Supervision.
    • The purpose: Formation of graduate students and students using economical methods and methods to analyze and manage management decisions.
    • Brief description of the course: Economical Sourcing Firm. Optimal resolution of the solution. Alternative models for the company. Supply and demand. Elasticity of the question. Theory and appraisal of production. Significance of the weakness in the control decisions. Decision-making on cost-of-sale policy and business processes: supranational competition and monopoly.
    • Deciding on pricing and production: monopolistic competition and oligopoly. Features of pricing. Economic analysis of the effectiveness of the planned investment and the degree of risk. Globalization and multinational corporation management. The problems of government intervention in a market economy.
    • Expected results:
    • As a result of mastering the content of the discipline “Management Economics”, the undergraduate must know the basics of economic processes necessary for making management decisions; be able to make decisions on the optimal allocation of limited resources among competing areas in both the private and public sectors of the economy; possess the skills of making the main types of decisions that managers should take in relation to the distribution of scarce resources, pricing policies and production volumes of the company, as well as methods of building effective relationships between government and business.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Zhidkobilnova O.V.
  • State Administration of Regional Tourism Development 3 сredits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theory and practice of public administration, Institutional bases of management.
    • Post-requisites: Research practice, work on the master's thesis
    • The purpose: the formation of undergraduates skills and skills for the implementation of state regulation of regional tourism development.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Course Content Basic concepts and definitions. Tourism as a management system. The system of state regulation of tourism. Formation of state tourism development policy. State functions in the field of tourism regulation. Models of adoption and implementation of management decisions. Technology development of a regional tourism development program. Resource potential for the development of regional tourism, its economic assessment.
    • Tax regulation in the field of tourism. Model organization of social tourism. Government agencies for the regulation of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Legal support of tourism development regulation.
    • Expected results: As a result of mastering the content of the discipline "State Administration for the Development of Regional Tourism", the undergraduate should know the basics of state regulation of regional tourism development, the functions and methods of state regulation of tourism, the basis for developing state programs for managing tourism development.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Zhidkobilnova O.V.
  • Management of housing and communal services 3 сredits /5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Regional Economics and Management, Municipal Management, Theory and Practice of Public Administration
    • Post-requisites: Research practice, work on the master's thesis
    • The purpose: form a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of the housing and utilities sector, give future specialists in state and local government knowledge of the essence of the housing and utilities complex reform, the structure of the housing and utilities sector and the basics of operating, maintaining and repairing the housing stock, develop the practical skills necessary to management decisions in the housing and utilities sector.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Reforms of housing and communal services. Regulatory framework of housing and utilities. Fundamentals of Housing Management. The essence of the composition and structure of housing services. The role of local governments in reforming the housing management system. Organization and management of the systems of power supply, heat supply, gas supply, water supply and drainage. Management of enterprises of heat, electricity, water supply.
    • Management of financial flows in housing and communal complexes. The main tasks and types of work on the improvement of urban areas.
    • Expected results: be able to apply the conceptual apparatus of the discipline, analyze data describing the development and management of housing and public utilities at the regional level, know the legislative and regulatory documents governing the activities of housing and public utilities, be able to process and analyze information necessary for managing the development of housing and communal services, understand the modern system of housing and communal services, its main principles and methods of management, to develop practical skills necessary for making management decisions in the field of housing and utilities.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., ass.professor Zhanbekova Z.H.
  • Urban infrastructure and spatial development 3 сredits /5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Municipal Management, Regional Economics and Management, Public Sector Economics, City Economy.
    • Post-requisites: Research practice, work on the master's thesis.
    • The purpose: to form knowledge in the field of urban infrastructure development and spatial development of cities, to know the structure and principles of organization of territorial and sectoral city management bodies, to develop skills in managing urban space and urban economy.
    • Brief description of the course: Territory as an object of planning and development. Systems of populated areas. Structural organization of urban areas and administrative boundaries. Regulatory framework for the development of territories. General plan of the city. Land use and development rules. Development projects of urban areas. Development of built-up areas. Types and categories of urban infrastructures. Formation and development of infrastructure systems in cities. Socio-economic resources for the development of infrastructure systems of the city. Development of infrastructure systems of the city in the context of socio-economic reforms. Infrastructure of the housing sphere of the city. Communal infrastructure of the city. Social infrastructure of the city.
    • Expected results: know the main characteristics, indicators and parameters of urban infrastructures, as well as objects that form the urban space; be able to use the conceptual apparatus of the discipline; use information bases that characterize the transformation of the urban space of the development of the city, the urban space; determine the goals, priorities and directions of development of infrastructure systems in cities. To gain experience and skills in the use of methods for the development of infrastructure systems in cities, be competent in the development of infrastructure systems and spatial development; be able to use information and communication technologies when making management decisions in the field of spatial development of innovative development of the urban environment.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., ass.professor Zhanbekova Z.H.
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