Information and explanatory work on the formation of young people's immunity to radical ideology

Information and explanatory work on the formation of young people's immunity to radical ideology

In the framework of the state program on combating religious extremism and terrorism "Department of religious Affairs of the Karaganda region" together with the Center of youth initiatives 17-18 Feb 2021 were organized a number of meetings advocacy on issues of formation of the youth of immunity to radical ideology offline with students of 1st course of University.
The main task of the meeting is to form a religious consciousness that corresponds to the traditions and cultural norms of secular society, to prevent the influence of religious radicalism and extremism, where young people become tools of religious radicals and are subjected to any discrimination in the family and society.
The data of the meeting held by the speakers Daribaeva G. B. – head of outreach, analytical and counter-propaganda work of KSU "center for the study and analysis of problems of inter-confessional relations of the Karaganda region", Temirkhanov A. N. – Naib - Imam of the regional mosque "Net Baba", Nygyman Z. - the chief Imam of the mosque with Stbe Bukhar-Zhyrau district, Karsybekova B. J., Metreveli, K. V. - religious scholars, Muratov, K.- Islamic scholar, Mukanova S.M. - psychologist.
During the meeting, the main concepts of the traditional Hanafi madhhab in Kazakhstan, the negative influence of destructive religious movements, the principles of destructive religious organizations, the appearance and appearance of religious sects were explained. During the conversation, the public danger of preachers of radical religious ideology was revealed, and questions about the essence of religious views were clarified. At the end of the event, the students were given answers to their questions.


Information and explanatory work on the formation of young people's immunity to radical ideology Information and explanatory work on the formation of young people's immunity to radical ideology Information and explanatory work on the formation of young people's immunity to radical ideology
Information and explanatory work on the formation of young people's immunity to radical ideology Information and explanatory work on the formation of young people's immunity to radical ideology Information and explanatory work on the formation of young people's immunity to radical ideology
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