On April 25, 2018, the faculty of the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages organized a conversation on the topic: "Extremism is a threat to society" with the invitation of the representative of the Department of Religious Affairs of the Karaganda region, the head of the monitoring department of the information and analytical work, G.B. Dalabayeva.. In groups: WE-12, IR-12, WE-22, IR-32, IR-33, IR-21к, IR-31к. In the meeting students received information concerning the current situation with religious extremism and terrorism in the country and in the world..

We congratulate students gr. WE-12 Urazshaev A. on the 1 st place and Sovetova K AA-32 in the Interuniversity competition on polylingualism “KSTU Speller 2018”, which took place on April 20, 2018 in
Karaganda State Tecyhnical University.

On 16th of March 2018 in KEUK had organized coaching for teachers which had conducted by the c.e.s. Ulakov N.S. and master, senior teacher Syzdykbekov E.S. The AMT course is trainings on upgrading the qualifications of teachers of higher education institutions.
Based on the results of the coaching, 9 teachers received certificates for participation.
On 10-12 of April, 2018 had organized coaching of the topic "Beginning Entrepreneur" in KEUK which had conducted by the c.e.s., associate professor N. A.Ulakov and master, senior teacher Syzdykbekov E.S. for the students from 1-4 courses. This course had aimed for those who wish to open their own business, has an average level of knowledge in the field of economy, finance, business planning and entrepreneurship.
At the result of coaching, 24 undergraduate students received valuable prizes and certificates for participation.

On 25th of April 2018 students of the specialties of the ICS chair visited the training of the Senior Resource Development Manager of the Company "EPAM" (Minsk, Belarus) Evgeniy Peshkur on the topic "Modern IT market and why we are that we are".
EPAM is the world's largest producer of custom software, a consulting specialist, resident of the Belarusian High-Tech Park. During the training the students got acquainted with the main trends and movements in the development of the modern IT market, which undoubtedly will help them in choosing the direction in designing course and diploma projects, as well as in developing research projects, start-ups and ideas.
We congratulate students : gr. WE-22 Iskakovа Sh., gr. IR-21k Babenovа A, gr. Tur31k Sanaubaev B., gr. TFP-12 Korneyev A. on the 2nd place in the regional Polylingual Olympiad, which took place on April 20, 2018 in
Karaganda State Medical University.

500 meters distance:
1. Lisichkina Varvara - IR-33
2. Khodarenko Daria - Tur-22
3. Botnarenko Natalia-Tur-22
4. Kislitsyna Elizabeth- WE-12
5. Kataeva Viktoriya-gr. MN-12
6. Troshina Anna - gr. E-22
1000 metersdistance:
1. Ebir Zharas – Eco-11k
2. Lentovskiy Nikolay – Log-23s
3. Marchenko Dmitriy– S-13s
4. Bondar' Andrey – Log-22
5. Ishmanov Konstantin – Log-22

In the Karaganda Banking College named after Zh.Bukenov, a competition was held among students, dedicated to the Day of All Lovers. The organizers of the competition were Youth resource center of Karaganda regionand Youth public association "Ulagat".
Grace, energy, good mood, love and endless positive - all this was transferred to the audience, who with excitement in their eyes and with great delight watched all that was happening.
As a result of the contest, students of the Faculty of Business and Law Tanibek Nyrbol and Omarova Anel became winners in the nomination "You are my heart". And Rakhmetollina Diana and Аkimzhan Askar in the nomination "We are one whole".

On April 21, 2018, within the framework of the «Rukhani zhangyru» program, the Department of General and Specialized Disciplines organized a trip to the museum for the victims and repressions for the students of the Zhezkazgan College of Business and Transport, as well as for the students of the 1st and 2nd courses of the specialty "Customs" and "Jurisprudence".
The excursion provided an opportunity for students to perceive and experience the history of their land, expand their cognitive interest, instill respect for the history of their country. The most eerie part of the exposition was located in the basement of the museum. There they showed cameras in which prisoners were interrogated and tortured. The most emotional was a scene in which two little girls read poetry expressively, expressing their gratitude to Comrade Stalin for a happy childhood. Visitors were very impressed with everything they saw.

On April 19-20, 2018, the traditional Law Science Festival was held at the Saratov State Law Academy (Russian Federation).
A student of the group JU-26s of the Faculty of Business and Law BagzhanovEltizar took the floor at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of reforming modern legislation" held in the frameworkof the Festival. The report "UK Exit from the European Union", made with the supervisor Ph.D., Professor F. Momysheva, was recognized as the best, and Eltizarwas awarded the Diploma for the 1 place. In the framework of the Festival there were intellectual games, where our student again distinguished himself, taking the 1st place in the tournament "What? Where? When?". The trip of our student to Saratov and participation in such a significant project became possible thanks to the rector of KEU professor Aimagambetov E.B.