Open Day at Karaganda

Open Day at KaragandaIt was held an Open Day at Karaganda economic university on November 6th, 2015 in the format of "Party-Quest".
For graduates of schools and colleges were offered an exciting game – tour to university, where 425 graduates of Karaganda and Karaganda region were participated.

An open curatorial hour in group f-12 (curator Borisova E.I.. 02.11.2015) Theme: «The fight against religious extremism»

An open curatorial hour in group f-12 (curator Borisova E.I.. 02.11.2015)  Theme: «The fight against religious extremism»Curator Elena Borisova spoke with words of welcome and outlined the purpose of the open curatorial hour. The purpose of the open curatorial hour is to counter religious extremism. Participated and undergraduates, and students. Master Kurmanalin S. told of banned religious organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Student Bekseitov I. – gave a presentation on "Combating religious extremism".

Meeting of the graduates of Abai region with representatives of KEUK within the framework of holding the event to attract university entrants .

Meeting of the graduates of Abai region with representatives of KEUK within the framework of holding the event to attract university entrants .Meeting of the graduates of Abai region with representatives of KEUK within the framework of holding the event to attract university entrants .
At this event, representatives gave the following informations: advantages and the history of university , rules of entering the university , acquaintance with specialties and so on. It was conversations with potential graduates and questionnaire design. At this event took part 89 graduates of the 7 schools Abai district.
Representatives of KEUK vice dean for character building of Accounting and Finance Department Mucipova L.K., Professor of chair «SPD» Minzhanov N.A., teacher of chair «PREO» Amantay Abdulla and teacher of chair «Banking» Isanov A.S.
There were school graduates of Abay district in the school hall .
Speech by the Vice Dean character of Accounting and Finance Department Mucipova L.K. for the graduates of the school of Abay district.
Speech of Professor of chair «SPD» Minzhanov N.A. for the graduates of the school of Abay district.
Meeting of the graduates of Abai region with representatives of KEUK within the framework of holding the event to attract university entrants .

International Youth Competition

International Youth CompetitionThere was an International Youth Competition at the KEU's venue during the period from 28.10. 2015 to 01.11.2015, which was held by the National Research University "Higher School of Economics' (HSE) and there were more than 500 students of Karaganda went in for the competition.
The winners will be entitled to be enrolled in the study free of charge at the NRU HSE under the intergovernmental agreement.

Platinum lecture organized by the сhair of accounting and audit with an invitation of managers and directors of firms

1.Platinum lectures with participation of financial director of LLP " Tabys Audit Consulting " Undiris Erkebulan Underisovich on " The aspects of taxation of individual income tax ."
2.Participated students are of the specialty "Accounting and audit" groups UA -42 UA-
3.The manager of " Kazkommertspolyus " Balahmetova KT conducting platinum lecture on " Features of accounting in the insurance companies ." held on October 7, 2015.
4.Participation of students of the specialty "Accounting and Auditing " , the group UA -42 UA-
5.Conduction of a Platinum lecture by a financial director of LLP "Tabys Audit Consulting" Undiris Erkebulan Underisovich on "The aspects of taxation of individual income tax" in the state language.
6.Students of the specialty "Accounting and audit" group UA-41K participated on this platinum lecture that was conducted in the official language.

Round table

1. Сhair of Accounting and Auditing on October 22, 2015 organised a round table that was held with the invitation of employers , graduates , students and staff of the chair on the theme: "Actual problems of harmonization of tax and accounting under IFRS"
The opening speech of a round table was given to head of the chair , Ph.D., Professor, "Accounting and audit" Madieva Kuralaj Sagnaevna .
In her speech , she thanked the employers for participation in the event , and acquainted all with the program of the round table.
2. At this round table a report issued by Ph.D., assistant professor of accounting and auditing Torshaeva Shyrynkul Maksutovna on "Problems of harmonization of the Tax Code and IFRS CIT."
3. Students and undergraduates majoring Accounting and Auditing Group UA-42 UA 41K, UA-32c, undergraduates group UA-UA-21NP and 11NP attended this round table.
4. Presentation of the financial director of LLP "InterKompyuterServis" Skorikova Vera Ivanovna the report "Problems of tax accounting under IFRS."
5. Speech by the Chief Accountant LLP "PromElektroSet" Zhalpakova Aygerim Zhomartbekova - on the topic: "Some issues of harmonization of tax and accounting under IFRS"

Olympiad which was called “Principles of economics”

Olympiad which was called “Principles of economics” The 26th of October 2015 the department of economic theory and GLM the Faculty of Economics and Management held the intellectual Olympiad which was called "Principles of economics" in Russian and state languages among schools of the city of Karaganda.
The competition was attended by students of schools and gymnasiums, as the number 97, number 33, number 41, number 48, №52 and № 74.
According to the results the winners of I, II, III places were awarded with diplomas and valuable presents

The trip to Astana. Getting students BSU with the sights of the capital of Kazakhstan

The trip to Astana. Getting students BSU with the sights of the capital of KazakhstanSeptember 17th, 2015 BSU students studying on an exchange in the DEs and 4th year students group RD 41 went to Astana, where they got acquainted with the sights of the capital of Kazakhstan and the objects of the hospitality industry. Students accompanied by an assistant professor of tourism and restaurant business Alexeenko TN
Great interest among the students caused the visit to the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The guide told about the history of the State cultural, political development of Kazakhstan.
Students visited the Golden Hall, the Hall of History, Ethnography Hall, the Hall of Contemporary Art, Museum of Independence Hall.

Information and Training Seminar “Online learning MOOС”.

Information and Training Seminar “Online learning MOOС”.September 18, 2015 the Center for Distance Learning KEUK was organized and carried out information and training seminar on "Online learning MOOС".
The presentation of the thematic material aimed at disseminating information on massive and open online courses (MOOС).
The aim of the seminar was to disseminate knowledge about MOOС at the university, that is MOOC what leading universities around the world offer free training now as MOOK can help in the learning process at the university.
The review of existing practices and trends were identified possible perspectives of development of this educational resource.
The seminar was attended by vice-rector, deans, heads of departments of the university, experts DLC KEUK. The Director of DLC – I.A. Amanov., deputy director – V.G. Drozd, head of the Chair "Higher Mathematics" – c.e.s., associate professor N.K. Emelina.

Tourists have returned from the training of tourist campaign

Tourists have returned from the training of tourist campaign

Students of 1 course of a specialty "Tourism" in the period from 09.06.2015 on 20.06.2015, the last academic practice (a training hike) in tourist-recreation town "Samal" in the Ile-Alatau National Park (Almaty).
As a result of passing the practical training, students learn the basics of organizing and conducting amateur hikers, training methods and techniques for hikers. Leader of the Department of Geography Ph.D., associate professor of SU Zhetpisov and the head of the tourist and excursion center "Samal", Honored Instructor Tourism RK, Head. Department of Sports and Tourism DDYU Karaganda Karimov RO

The training campaign was a reference point in the development of the tourist The student-manager. All students have become much more courageous, to enhance the responsibility and physical training, solidarity and cohesion kolllektiva. At the head of the practice have no comments on the practice and all students receive appropriate assessment and positive in protecting report.
Students thank the university the rector Aymagambetova EB, dean of the FGF - Momyshevu FS and head of the department of tourism and restaurant business Zhuspekovu AA for their assistance in organizing and carrying out this type of practice.

"Summer School" - we did not expect it...

"Summer School" - we did not expect it...With great interest the senior teacher6 G.M. Isabaeva conducted "Summer School» classes from 8th of June till 20th of June of 2015 for the students of specialty "Technology of production of livestock products" of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov.

The relation of the theory with practice was evident. Within two weeks of attendance on the subject "Monitoring and evaluation of the quality of raw materials and food products" the students went on a trip to Karaganda milk factory "Natizhe", milling factory "Karakoz", where they learned the basics of technology and quality control of raw materials and goods, held organoleptic quality assessment, acquired the skills of physical and chemical methods of analysis.

In addition to listening to University's interesting lectures with slides and videos, they also conducted laboratory classes, where students were able to identify with

their own hands the quality of flour, bread, milk and other products in various ways.

Students performed independent work too: wrote essays, prepared assignments and slides.

Students said: "... we did not expect such a reception, interesting activities and even on-site at the company. We really enjoyed. We learned a lot, and most importantly, evaluated and monitored the quality of food products, which will certainly come in handy in our future careers, because we've worked with our own hands, seen with our own eyes and, of course, forever imprinted them in our memory. Thank you for everything".

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