VISITING LESSON IN THE «HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTER OF THE FIRST PRESIDENT»March 18, 2016 teacher of the chair «World Economy and International Relations» Shukusheva Y.V. with MO-32, MO-33 groups and students arrived on program of academic mobility from Dushanbe (Tajikistan) and Belgorod (RF) visited Temirtau «HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTER OF THE FIRST PRESIDENT» in the disciplines of «Multilateral diplomacy», «The foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan».

Scientific traineeship of masters of Karaganda Economical University at St. Petersburg State University.

In the period from March 21 to March 30, 2016 the 2nd year masters of scientific and pedagogical direction of the specialties 6M050700 "Management", 6M051000 "State and local management», 6M051100 "Marketing" took part in the foreign scientific traineeship at Saint Petersburg State University of Economics (Russian Federation , Saint Petersburg).
Within the basic program of traineeship on the topic "Modern approaches to management, marketing, and public administration in the context of globalization: strategic aspect" leading professors and associate professors of St. Petersburg State University of Economics presented to the masters of KEU a number of aspects of administrative activity carried out at the macro , meso and micro levels, as well as a range of issues related to the management of human resources of the region in modern conditions, management of energy efficiency and resource saving, government regulation, and regional support of business innovation, management of state and municipal property, personnel policy in the system of state and municipal government, and others. The practical part of scientific traineeship was hold on the basis of business incubator "Ingria", in the framework of which the masters took part in the presentation of innovative projects.
Within the scientific part of the program of traineeship masters carried out the work with foreign scientific and educational literature in the library of St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

Department of "Ecology and evaluation" carried out the action "Help wintering birds"

March 25, 2016 at a branch of the department "Ecology and evaluation" of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz on stations for young naturalists teachers Arshkenovoy Aigul Meyramovnoy and Turgambekovym Galym Muratovic was conducted campaign "Help wintering birds."
The event was attended by students of the specialty "Ecology" Kåken Temirlan (Eco-11), and Maғauya Nұrzhan Oralbek Zhasyn (Eco-12k) and a student of Karaganda. The campaign was a competition for the production of bird feeders. Students KEUK organized a master class in the form of a game on ecological education. S top feeders were mounted on the trees.


Open lesson with THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OFFICE OF RELIGION March 2, 2016, docent of the department "World Economy and International Relations" Egizbaev S.K. held an open practice session with the participation of the representative of the Office of religion for the Karaganda region Gimadieva Karlygash, on the topic "Relations between Kazakhstan and the states of the Central Asia and the Caucasus", on the subject "The foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in MO-31к and МЭ-31к groups.

Visiting lesson at the machine-building factory № 1

Visiting lesson at the machine-building factory № 1March 24, 2016 the senior teacher of the department "World Economy and International Relations" Talimova G.U. held a visiting session in the framework of discipline "Foreign economic activity of the enterprise," with a group of МЭ-31к in the machine-building factory number № 1 in Karaganda.

Research internship of graduate students of Karaganda Economic University at Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky

Research internship of graduate students of Karaganda Economic University at Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K. G. RazumovskyIn the period of March 15 – March 24, 2016 second year graduate students of research and pedagogical focus areas (6M072700 "Technology of Food Products", 6M073200 "Standardization and Certification") undertook an international research internship held at Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky (Russian Federation, Moscow).
During the period of the internship, graduate students gained knowledge and new competences in area of the most important issues of modern development of the food industry in Russia and learned the basics of conducting research in the area of food product technology.
In addition, the graduate students have visited Russian state library, State Public Science and Technology Library. Finally, the students have become acquainted with the business activities of one of the most advanced enterprises in the food industry located in the city of Moscow during a field excursion.

Research internship of graduate students of Karaganda Economic University at Saint Petersburg State Economic University

Research internship of graduate students of Karaganda Economic University at Saint Petersburg State Economic UniversityIn the period of March 9 – March 18, 2016 second year graduate students of research and pedagogical focus areas (6M050600"Economics", 6M090200 "Tourism") undertook an international research internship held at Saint Petersburg State Economic University (Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg).
In the framework of the primary internship program "Conditions and tendencies of the development of economy and its sectors: cross-country aspects", the graduate students of KEU and leading professors of the above stated University have uncovered a wide range of issues connected to the development of modern economy in Russia, solution of world economic problems, and the development of strategic models for development of modern international businesses. They have also covered some of the questions related to the enhancement of the investment activities and optimization of economic activities of enterprises functioning in various business spheres.
In the framework of the research component of the internship program, the graduate students worked with international scientific and educational literature sources at the Library of Saint Petersburg State Economic University. The results of the work will be reflected in the master's theses of the graduate students.

Seminar for young scientists

Seminar for young scientists2March 24, 2016 Diplomatic Club "Passionaries" and the Research Institute of New Economy and System Analysis conducted a scientific seminar for students on the theme "The organization and management of scientific research." At the seminar as speakers were the director of the Institute Ainabekov K.S. and Deputy Director Sihimbaeva D.R.

TRAINING TRIP TO Karkaralinsk state natural parks

From 18.03 to 20.03. 2016 students gr. Tour 11k, 13c Tour \ k, 12-Tour, Tour-14c on the subject "Fundamentals of technique and tactics of active kinds of travel" under the guidance of senior lecturer and instructor RK Tourism Karima RO We went on a training hike on Karkaralinsk SSPE. During the trip the students received practical skills on tourism. They treated: tourism elements of rock, mining equipment, knitting knots, abseiling, rock climbing rappelling, petal. Also, directions, route clearance documents, equipment, food, elements of topography and orientation on the terrain, movement groups in the route, general physical training, tourist hygiene, pre-medical aid.

Research internship of graduate students of Karaganda Economic University at Saint Petersburg State Economic University

Новости и объявленияDuring the period of February 24 – March 4, 2016, second year graduate students of research and pedagogical areas of study (6M030100 "Legal Studies", 6M030400 "Customs Affairs", 6M050900 "Finance") passed an international research internship held at Saint Petersburg State Economic University (the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg). During the course of the training, the graduate students have mastered the internship programs in the following areas: Law (system of legal and regulatory framework in countries of the Tax Union) and Finance (actual questions of the stability of the financial system of the country in modern settings).
Within the framework of the research internship, the graduate students of KEU have attended a set of lectures delivered by leading teaching instructors of Saint Petersburg State Economic University from among those with doctorate degrees. As a result of this, our students gained an invaluable opportunity to examine the most important issues in the development of modern law and finance through the prism of international experience. Due to their participation in the internship, the graduate students were also able to attend a training devoted to the organization of a virtual customs station (3D-interactive simulator "Svetogorsk"), a training session dedicated to customs clearance in high-speed trains (3D-interactive simulator ALLEGRO) and visited the Museum of Insurance History.

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