On May 29, 2015 The Research Institute of Economic and Legal Researches led by prorector for scientific research d.e., professor A.A. Taubaev and moderator d.l., docent T.A. Khanov held a round table for the students, undergraduates and teachers on the theme: "Prospects of development of the national system of Kazakhstan in the conditions of implementation of institutional reforms to ensure the rule of law".
Presented their reports:
1. "Improving the mechanism for ensuring the rule of law as a condition of effectiveness of the implementation of institutional reforms" - Khanov T.A., director of the SRW ELI KEUK, d.l., docent
2. "Observance of the constitutional rights of citizens in the implementation of pre-trial proceedings in the framework of the "One Hundred concrete steps" - Fetkulov A.H., s.s. of the SRW ELI KEUK, c.l.sc., docent
3. "Prevention of corruption within the framework of the rule of law" – B.U. Seytkhozhin, s.s. of the SRW ELI KEUK, c.l.sc., docent
On 1 of June 2015 c.e.sc., docent of the FTI department Ulakov N.S. took part in the International training conducted by the National Bank jointly with the Central Bank of Malaysia (Bank Negara Malaysia) with the support of the Islamic Research and Training Institute (Islamic Research and Training Institute) for the teachers of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan.
This training was held at the Library of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi and was aimed at increasing the level of skills and professionalism in the field of Islamic banking, insurance, securities market, as well as allowed to study the question of investing in the Islamic countries with the state support of Islamic finance. The training was conducted in an interactive manner with the presentation of the theory, discussion of questions and practical examples in this direction.
In the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was conducted the opening ceremony of the games of the National Student Futsal League Games "Spring-Autumn-2015" with the participation of Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sarinzhipov A.B., Karaganda region akim's deputy Abishev J.A., vice-president of the Kazakhstan Football Federation Bayshakov S.I., rectors of Karaganda universities.
The organizers of the competition were the Ministry of Education and Science together with the Kazakhstan Football Federation.
The purpose of the project - the promotion of healthy lifestyles among young people in accordance with the task set by the President: a systematic involvement in sports at least 30% of kazakhstan people and promotion of talented sportsmen in the professional games.
The organizers of the tournament has the task to identify the best representatives of the teams who will get the chance to go in August 2016 in Brazil to participate in the World Championships.
Now the National Student League has 36 teams of sports clubs and universities of Kazakhstan. In Almaty the game has started on April 11, April 18 - in Astana, on May 10 division launched in Karaganda, and on May 19 selection games had started in Shymkent.
Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is a leading university in Kazakhstan. There is formed a high-quality research, innovation, intellectual and cultural potential. The primary credit for this belongs to the d.e.sc., professor, Rector of the University - Erkara Balkaraevich Aymagambetov.
The quality of training starts from the library. Its' director is Lidia Schmidt, she diligently and efficiently perform her jobs. There are concentrated unique informational resources and rich library fund, that allows a comprehensive study, investigation processes and issues bachelors and masters and doctoral students.
The university pays a lot of attention to the formation of a healthy generation. A huge role in this have teachers of the department of physical education, including a bright professional and altruistic person - Antonina V. Artemenko, who collects materials for training sessions with students all over the world.
The great impression left a visit to the University's Center of educational television which is led by Marina T. Nikolaevna. In the TV studio students can try themselves in the role of presenters, teachers can comfortably record their video lectures. I would like to express my gratitude and high professionalism to photographer - Ivan Stepanovich.
On May 29, 2015 the department of "Economic Theory and state and local government" headed by the prorector for Reaserch d.e.sc., professor A.A. Taubaev and moderator c.e.sc., professor M.K. Zhetpisbayeva held a round table for the students and undergraduates on "New Horizons of Civil Service under the President's program «100 concrete steps»
On May 26 in the hall of educational television initiated by the department of "Ecology and Assessment" was held on-line regional conference "Cooperation with Omsk state institute of service and the results of the "Decade of Ecology 2015"
The aim of the conference was to establish cooperation between the department of "Ecology and Assessment" of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and Omsk State Institute of Service. After the conference, the Department of Ecology and Assessment signed a memorandum on cooperation between KEU and the Omsk State Institute of Service.
Students majoring Ecology presented reports.
In 1997 by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev on May 31 was declared the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions.
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions – is a memorable day on which the shares are held mourning and memorial events (rallies, laying wreaths and flowers to the monuments of the repressed, "Memory lessons" in schools and so forth.), dedicated to the memory of people killed and injured in the political repression and mass famine inspired political regime of the bolsheviks.
On May 29, 2015 at Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was held a rally-requiem dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression.
"Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions – reminding us of the tragic years when thousands of our fellow citizens have been unreasonably subjected to repression, accused of crimes, deprived of their freedom and even their lives," - said in his opening remarks Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, d.h.sc., professor Abilov K.J.
On 27 May 2015 by the department LRER was held a round table - "20 Years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan: issues of efficiency and promising reform".
The roundtable was attended by representatives of the judiciary (MEA Karaganda region court), Karaganda region prosecutors, lawyers and the universities of the Karaganda city
On May 27, 2015 at Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was held a round table on the theme: "5 institutional reforms of the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev - a strong response to the global challenges of our statehood".
The roundtable was attended by PPS, leading scientists and students of the university.
Following reports were presented:
"The president's reform progress to the economy and society of Kazakhstan: Plan of the nation - 100 concrete steps to implement the five institutional reforms" - (Ainabekov K.S., d.e.sc., professor, Director of the Research Institute of NESA).
"The rule of law - as a condition of creating of the state of the new formation" - (Khanov T.A., d.l., professor, Director of the Research Institute of ELR).
"Unshakable values of the idea of "Mangіlіk el" - the path to an unified nation of the future" - (K.J. Abilov d.h.sc., professor, Vice-Rector for Social Affairs).
According to the results of the round table were determined priorities of collective participation of the university in the implementation of the designated by head of state institutional reforms.
President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev identified 100 concrete steps to implement five presidential reforms.
The plan includes five institutional reforms:
- formation of a professional state apparatus;
- the rule of law;
- industrialization and economic growth;
- identity and unity;
- formation of accountable government.