"550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate"

"550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate"April 2, 2015 in Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz round table was held to commemorate the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate with students 1-2 years of university.
For active participation in this event Letters of thanks were awarded to the following students:
1. Aytbekova Moldіr - t. CP-21K
2. Eltyndy Sayat - t. Yu-11K
3. Gerashchenko Veronica - t. Tour-14c
4. Litvin Catherine - t. Eco-12
The organizers - the teachers of the department of history and CP SPD Faculty of Business and Law.

Delegation from Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) Russia (Video)

Delegation from Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) Russia (Video)From 8 to 11 April delegation from Russia in the face of d.e.sc., professor of Kuban State Agrarian University (KubSAU) - Lipchina Nina Vladimirovna, Ulybina Lubov Konstantinovna, Tyupakova Nina Nikolaevna visited KEU. Initiator of the invitation of honorable guests was the department of "Finance, taxation and insurance."
Scientists met with the Rector of the University Aymagambetov E.B., discussed the prospects of cooperation between universities in the field of science and education, as well as showed their lectur-presentation for students and undergraduates of KEU on the development of the insurance market and the organization of the tax system of the Russian Federation, addressing the issues of socio-economic development of their region.

Scientific training of the Karaganda economic university undergraduates in the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Scientific training of the Karaganda economic university undergraduates in the Financial University under the Government of the Russian FederationFrom March 11 till 19th of March, 2015 2 course of study undergraduates of the specialties 6М050800 «Accounting and auditing», 6М050900 «Finance», 6М070300 «Informational systems», 6М090800 «Evaluation» underwent the scientific training in the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow c., Russian Federation).
Undergraduates visited Ministry of finance of the Russian Federation, RF Central bank, also participated in the master classes of auditing and consulting companies «BDO», «KPMG», «PricewaterhouseCoopers». Along with it, they listened to a problem-oriented cycle of lectures on the theme «Actual questions of accounting and finance, informational provision and evaluation of business».
The second half of the day was devoted by undergraduates for research work in the library of the university and sightseeing in Moscow c.

Научная стажировкаScientific training of the Karaganda Economic University undergraduates at St. Petersburg State University of Economics

Научная стажировкаScientific training of the Karaganda Economic University undergraduates at St. Petersburg State University of EconomicsFrom 2 to 11 March 2015 2 undergraduate course specialties 6M030100 "Jurisprudence" and 6M030400 "Customs business" passed scientific training at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics (Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg c.) on the theme "The system of legal regulation in the Customs Union."
During the program was listened cycle of lectures by leading university lecturers on jurisprudence: d.e.sc., professor Malevich Y.V., D.l., professor G.G. Bernackiy, d.l., professor Novikov A.B., c.l., docent Ivanyuzhenkov A.B., c.l., docent E.F. Mosin and others. The main issues reviewed in the framework of scientific training on important issues of the Customs Union, the international legal cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan, the actual problems of the criminal proceedings in the EurAsEC countries, criminal legal methods of combating corruption, problems of legislation in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community etc. The practical component of the internship was organized on the basis of cross-border customs post MAPP "Svetogorsk" and checkpoint "Marine Facade".
The afternoon was devoted to undergraduates conducting research in the university library and getting acquainted with the sights of St. Petersburg.

Научная стажиScientific training of the Karaganda economic university undergraduates in Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky

Научная стажиScientific training of the Karaganda economic university undergraduates in Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. RazumovskyFrom 10 to 18 March 2015 2nd graduate course undergraduates of the specialties 6M072700 "Technology of food products" and 6M073200 "Standardization and Certification" passed scientific training at the Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (Russian Federation, Moscow c.). In the course of scientific training undergraduates had listened to problem-oriented cycle of lectures on food production and forms of new generation confirming the safety of its consumption.
During the program was listened the cycle of lectures by leading lecturers of the university. The main issues reviewed in the framework of scientific training related to the current state of the structure and topical issues of the food industry in Russia, the order form and confirmation of compliance of food products, innovative technologies in the production of milk (sour milk) products. Undergraduates received briefings with leading scientists of the "All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and oceanography", "All-Russian Research Institute of Dairy Industry", as well as master classes on the basis of LLC "ИРЕКС", LLC "Kаравай CB".
The afternoon was devoted to undergraduates for research in the State Public Scientific and Technical Library and sightseeing in Moscow.

How to solve the problem of self-employed in Kazakhstan?

How to solve the problem of self-employed in Kazakhstan?We congratulate senior lecturer of the department of LRER Boranbaeva Aizhan Esimkulovna with WINNING Kazakhstan legal professional competition "How to solve the problem of self-employed in Kazakhstan?". The contest was organized by Deputy Chairman of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayeva Dariga Nursultanovna and Kazakhstan informational portal ZAKON.KZ.
It should be noted that the contest has become an incentive to improve the professionalism in the community of lawyers of Kazakhstan.
We wish you further success in scientific and pedagogical activity, health, happiness, family well-being!

We congratulate Bazarbaeva Dina (gr.F-22)!

We congratulate Bazarbaeva Dina (gr.F-22)!For taking 2nd place in the "Analytical work in taxation" (tutor c.e.sc., docent Ulakov N.S.) in the 3 Interregional Olympiad that was conducted on the basis of the North-Caucasus Federal University Olympiad on March 27, 2015.

People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tamara Asar (Video)

Наурыз мейрамыA concert dedicated to the celebration of "Nowruz Meiramy" was held on March 19, 2015 at the Palace of students' culture. People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tamara Asar from the bottom of her heart congratulated us. It was a wonderful and beautiful concert with her participation. We thank her for all the kind words and wishes, as well as songs that became an ornament of a celebratory concert in KEU. You can watch the full concert by clicking on the link.

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