Platinum Lecture "Generational conflict and problems of education” Aismontas Bronius Bronevich - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of the Faculty of "Psychology of Education" MGPPU.

Platinum Lecture "Generational conflict and problems of education” Aismontas Bronius Bronevich - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of the Faculty of "Psychology of Education" MGPPU.

One of the tasks of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work is the collaboration of scientists from foreign countries in the development of implemented educational programs. The practiced "guest lectures" are a unique platform where speakers can share their valuable knowledge and unique experience. It is doubly valuable when well-known foreign scientists who have achieved high authority in the scientific and educational community far beyond the borders of their country respond to the meeting.
For students of the educational programs "Fundamentals of Law and Economics", "Psychology and Management in Education", "Social Work", "Physical Culture and Sports Management" and teaching staff of the department, a "platinum" lecture was given by the candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University of Moscow, Aismontas Bronius Bronevich on the topic "Generational conflict and problems of education". During the lecture, students strengthened their knowledge about the generation division systems "X-Y-Z" and the causes of generational problems. Bronius Bronevich noted that the problem of generations is inextricably linked with the natural passage of time.
Students and teachers of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work express their gratitude to Professor Aysmontas Bronius Bronevich for an informative and informative lecture!

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov, a Republican online round table was held on the topic "The life and work of Akhmet Baitursynov".

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov, a Republican online round table was held on the topic "The life and work of Akhmet Baitursynov".

On 21.02.2022, the Department of "Socio-Political Disciplines and APK" of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz at 10.00 o'clock held a Republican online round table on the topic "The life and work of Akhmet Baitursynov", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov. The round table was attended by scientists from different regions of Kazakhstan, made informative reports on the life, creativity and good deeds of the Kazakh people of the leader of the nation Akhmet Baitursynov. We hope that our students have heard from scientists, researchers themselves, the information, the experience, the story that will have an invaluable impact on the formation of young people, the younger generation.
Nurgul Yerkanatovna Tutinova, Head of the Department of "Socio-Political Disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, PhD, held a round table as an organizer and moderator.
Deputy Director of the KSU "Kogamdyk kelisim" Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda region Malaev Duman Bazarkeevich, Master of Historical Sciences presented a report "On the 105th anniversary of the Alash Party and the political life of Akhmet Baitursynuly".
The report of the Candidate of Philological Sciences, professor, academician of the "International Academy of Informatization" of S. Toraighyrov University, head of the Department of "Ushtugyrly til" Zeynulina Ayman Fayzullayevna "On the creative approach and the fate of the teacher of the nation Akhmet Baitursynov" was heard and discussed.
The report of the PhD doctor, senior lecturer of the Department of Philosophy of the L. Gumilyov Eurasian National University of Kemerbai Rauan Amantaevich on the topic: "Akhmet Baitursynuly – oyshyl, gulama" was heard.
The report of the senior lecturer of the Department of "Social and Humanitarian Sciences" of the Baytursynov Kostanay Regional University, PhD student Ruslan Batyrkhanovich Zhusupov "A. Baitursynov and independent Kazakhstan".
Also, a student of the U-21-1k group of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Daniyar Abayevich Abdullin, read the author's poem "Alashtyn arystary". I would like to add that this work was prepared under the guidance of senior lecturer Issabekova A.S. for the participation of our student Abdullin Daniyar, in the republican competition organized by "Bilim orkenieti", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursunov.
The participants of the republican round table were invited to read the book "Ult ustazy" and watch the film "Ult Ustazy" dedicated to Akhmet Baitursynov and told about the importance of familiarization with these works, which is the responsibility of every citizen of Kazakhstan.

Practical psychology as a business

Practical psychology as a business

The sphere of professional activity of a practical psychologist is extremely wide and includes not only the social sphere, but also business. The profession of a psychologist opens up great opportunities for people who want not only to do what they love, but also earn money at the same time.
Acquaintance of students of the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" with the work of the technological business incubator "Coworking Center "Dostyk" is the discovery of new facets of the future profession.
The demand for psychological services is already quite high, but the teachers of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work predict high competition in the next few years. Therefore, from the first year, our students must master the basics of entrepreneurial activity, business planning and business project development skills in order to compete with dignity in the labor market. It was about the prospects for students to participate in individual and team projects that Almas Sabitovich Orynbekov spoke at a meeting with students of the PiMO-21-2 group.
A psychologist in a business environment is not only a trainer, consultant, coach, but also an independent worker who has opened his own business. Only the presence of professional competencies, love for the profession, social responsibility, obtaining a quality education at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is a guarantee of a successful business for a psychologist.

"Afghanistan. Our memory and pain..."

"Afghanistan. Our memory and pain..."

On February 17, 2022, a round table was held at the university dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, with the participation of a member of the Public Association "Union of Veterans and Invalids of the War in Afghanistan of the Karaganda region", a member of the Veterans Council of the Kazybek bi district of Karaganda, an Afghan soldier Kabduev Akzhol Yesetovich and chairman of the Veterans Council of the university, a reserve colonel, a participant in hostilities in hot spots of the former USSR Suindikov Zhenisbek Suindikovich.
Moderator of the round table, Professor of the Department "Socio-political Disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" Abilov K.Zh. told about one of the most tragic pages in the history of the Soviet people, the memory of which is preserved to this day.
Giving the floor to veterans, Abilov K.Zh. noted: "In the former Soviet republics, the day of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan is solemnly celebrated, participants of that war who performed their military and international duty are honored, comrades who died in a foreign land are remembered."
The guests of the round table shared their memories and experiences with the youth, wished them never to know the horrors of war, but to be always ready to defend the Motherland.
The participants of the round table were shown documentary videos about the Afghan war.


Master class "How to understand that an idea for your project has potential"

Master class "How to understand that an idea for your project has potential"

On February 17, according to the Calendar of events of the TBI "Coworking Center "Dostyk", in order to develop entrepreneurial skills among students, a startup, programmer of Gusli Media LLC (St. Petersburg) Fedotov E.P. held a master class on the topic "How to understand that an idea for your project has potential".
As part of the master class, he told about the algorithm for building a startup and divided it into five main stages:
- The idea and making a decision on its implementation.
- Planning, analytics.
- Design. Development. Implementation of the technical part together with the development team.
- Marketing and promotion.
- Support, refinement, scaling. Improving the usage scenario, finding and implementing solutions to increase conversion.
The master class turned out to be very informative and fascinating. Students were able to ask interesting questions, share their knowledge, and, of course, get new ones.


Meeting with representatives of the international group of companies DELTA M

Meeting with representatives of the international group of companies DELTA M

On February 9, 2022, students of the specialties "Jurisprudence", "Customs", "Finance", "Economics" met with representatives of the company DELTA M.
Delta M in the Republic of Kazakhstan is part of the Delta M international group of companies, which has been operating in the field of bad debt management, consulting and automation of collection processes in Eastern Europe and Asia for more than 10 years.
The company has implemented a transparent system of career building and talent support.
With a team of over 150 employees, Delta M is the market leader in NPL recovery.
The company already employs graduates of our university in various management positions, and when selecting candidates, they give preference to graduates of the KarU of Kazpotreboyuz.
The students present at the meeting showed interest and exchanged contacts.

Employment prospects

Employment prospectsOn February 9, 2022, the Resource Center of the Department of Strategic Development organized a meeting with graduates of 2022 (bachelor's degree) studying under the state educational order.
At the meeting, issues of sending young specialists (graduates) and doctors of philosophy (PhD) to work, the implementation of their personal distribution were discussed.
The KaU of Kazpotrebsoyuz has established a commission for the distribution of young specialists and PhD PhDs studying on the basis of the state educational order order No. 33-P dated January 21, 2022.
Director of the RC Sagitova Zh.E. drew the attention of graduates that the distribution is carried out on the basis of the petition (certificate) of the employer about the upcoming employment and the preservation of the vacancy until the young specialist arrives at the place of work. If there are no vacancies at the time of distribution, young specialists are sent by distribution commissions for registration as a job seeker (Public Employment Center), directly to the employment center at the place of residence, taking into account the time they were registered as unemployed in the period of working off .
She noted that young specialists who completed their studies this year arrive at their place of work no later than September 1 in the direction.
Also, students were given explanations in which cases exemption from working off is possible:
1) persons in the absence of vacancies in the locality at the place of residence, work or service of the spouse;
2) disabled people of groups I and II;
3) persons enrolled for further education in the magistracy, residency, doctoral studies;
4) pregnant women, persons who have, as well as independently raising a child (children) under the age of three years.
When entering or calling for urgent military service, a young specialist is granted a deferment for the duration of the service, without offsetting the time of service in the period of working off (Clause 17 of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan №390 dated March 30, 2012). In other cases, no delay is provided.
During the meeting, the graduates had the opportunity to get answers to all their questions.

«Socio-psychological issues affecting the development of personality» round table of SSС «Kamkor»

«Socio-psychological issues affecting the development of personality» round table of SSС «Kamkor»

On February 14 of this year, a regular meeting of the student scientific community "Kamkor" of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work on the topic "Socio-psychological problems affecting the development of personality" was held at the coworking center. The meeting was attended by the head of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor M.K. Abdakimova, senior lecturer S. S. Isina, teacher A.A. Isaev, as well as students of the groups PiMO-21-1k, SR-20-1k, SR-20-1k. Students shared their research reports, in particular:

«Achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law: international and domestic aspects»

«Achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law: international and domestic aspects»

On February 10, 2022, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's accession to the UN «Achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law: international and domestic aspects».

The conference was co-organized by the partners of the Educational Research and Production Complex - the Specialized Interdistrict Economic Court of the Karaganda region, the Specialized Interdistrict Court for Administrative Offenses of the city of Karaganda of the Karaganda region, the Karaganda branch of the Republican Public Association «Union of Judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Association of Law Universities of Russia, of which our university is a member, provided great assistance in organizing the conference».

The conference discussed the achievements of Kazakhstan's statehood and law, as well as existing problems on a global and regional scale, their impact on the further construction of an open, transparent and «hearing» state.

Master class «Basic requirements for the business plan of student innovation projects»

Master class «Basic requirements for the business plan of student innovation projects»

On February 15, according to the Calendar of events of the TBI "Dostyk Coworking Center" for the development of entrepreneurial skills among students, Director of the EPI Research Institute, Doctor of Law, Professor T. A. Khanov held a master class on the ZOOM platform on the topic "Basic requirements for the business plan of student innovative projects".

The master class was held in preparation for the competition of ready-made business projects and start-up projects and designed business ideas of students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

The speaker of the meeting introduced students and project managers to the theoretical features of writing a project, told about its structure and shared step-by-step instructions for writing a correct and structured student project. Talgat Akhmadzievich also told how to correctly justify the significance of the work, the problem statement and answered the questions that arose during the meeting.

Career guidance: a conscious choice of profession

Career guidance: a conscious choice of profession

Everyone who is faced with the choice of their professional path asks questions: what profession is prestigious, what profession is highly paid, is there an opportunity for employment, does my choice match my personality, at which university do I study? There is an answer to all these questions: to study at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education".
In the modern world, the prestige of the profession of a psychologist is quite high, and, consequently, the demand for personnel will ensure employment. There is an opportunity to work in organizations or engage in individual psychological practice. This and other features of the profession obtained under the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" were discussed at a meeting of teachers of the department "Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work" with graduates of the specialty "Primary Education" of Temirtau College "Miras" on February 14, 2020. The main thing is to make a conscious choice, motivated by the desire to help people, constantly develop and improve.

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