Master classes by employees of Nazarbayev University

Master classes by employees of Nazarbayev University

On February 26, 2024, a master class was held, organized by Nazarbayev University employees in order to exchange experience on organizing the university’s admissions campaign and attracting potential applicants.
Speakers included:
- Nurkhan Omarbekov, head of the student enrollment management office;
- Sabyrbekova Aizhan and Kuanysh Mussagozhina, specialists of the student admission department.
During the training, such current topics as recruiting students in a global competitive environment, strategic marketing in education, as well as digitalization of the process of admitting applicants to NU were discussed. Such an event promotes the exchange of experience, personal and professional growth of participants.


Master classes by employees of Nazarbayev University Master classes by employees of Nazarbayev University
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ